ex1223 {Sleuth3} | R Documentation |
IQ Score and Income
This is a subset of 2,584 individuals from the 1979 National Longitudinal Study of Youth (NLSY79) survey who were re-interviewed in 2006, who had paying jobs in 2005, and who had complete values for the variables listed below. A goal is to see whether intelligence (as measured by the ASVAB intelligence test score, AFQT, and its Components, Word, Parag, Math, and Arith) is a better predictor of 2005 income than education and socioeconomic status.
A data frame with 2,584 observations on the following 32 variables.
- Subject
the subject identification number
- Imagazine
a variable taking on the value 1 if anyone in the respondent's household regularly read magazines in 1979, otherwise 0
- Inewspaper
a variable taking on the value 1 if anyone in the respondent's household regularly read newspapers in 1979, otherwise 0
- Ilibrary
a variable taking on the value 1 if anyone in the respondent's household had a library card in 1979, otherwise 0
- MotherEd
mother's years of education
- FatherEd
father's years of education
- FamilyIncome78
family's total net income in 1978
- Race
1 = Hispanic, 2 = Black, 3 = Not Hispanic or Black
- Gender
a factor with levels
- Educ
years of education completed by 2006
- Science
score on the General Science test in 1981
- Arith
score on the Arithmetic Reasoning test in 1981
- Word
score on the Word Knowledge Test in 1981
- Parag
score on the Paragraph Comprehension test in 1981
- Numer
score on the Numerical Operations test in 1981
- Coding
score on the Coding Speed test in 1981
- Auto
score on the Automotive and Shop test in 1981
- Math
score on the Mathematics Knowledge test in 1981
- Mechanic
score on the Electronics Information test in 1981
- Elec
score on the Paragraph Comprehension test in 1981
percentile score on the AFQT intelligence test in 1981
- Income2005
total annual income in 2005
- Esteem1
self reported answer to 1st self esteem question, 2005
- Esteem2
self reported answer to 2md self esteem question, 2005
- Esteem3
self reported answer to 3rd self esteem question, 2005
- Esteem4
self reported answer to 4th self esteem question, 2005
- Esteem5
self reported answer to 5th self esteem question, 2005
- Esteem6
self reported answer to 6th self esteem question, 2005
- Esteem7
self reported answer to 7th self esteem question, 2005
- Esteem8
self reported answer to 8th self esteem question, 2005
- Esteem9
self reported answer to 9th self esteem question, 2005
- Esteem10
self reported answer to 10th self esteem question, 2005
Ramsey, F.L. and Schafer, D.W. (2013). The Statistical Sleuth: A Course in Methods of Data Analysis (3rd ed), Cengage Learning.
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, https://www.bls.gov/nls/home.htm (May 8, 2008).
See Also
, ex0330
, ex0331
, ex0525
, ex0828
, ex1033