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Birdkeeping and Lung Cancer
A 1972–1981 health survey in The Hague, Netherlands, discovered an association between keeping pet birds and increased risk of lung cancer. To investigate birdkeeping as a risk factor, researchers conducted a case–control study of patients in 1985 at four hospitals in The Hague (population 450,000). They identified 49 cases of lung cancer among the patients who were registered with a general practice, who were age 65 or younger and who had resided in the city since 1965. They also selected 98 controls from a population of residents having the same general age structure.
A data frame with 147 observations on the following 7 variables.
- LC
Whether subject has lung cancer
- FM
Sex of subject
- SS
Socioeconomic status, determined by occupation of the household's principal wage earner
- BK
Indicator for birdkeeping (caged birds in the home for more that 6 consecutive months from 5 to 14 years before diagnosis (cases) or examination (control))
- AG
Age of subject (in years)
- YR
Years of smoking prior to diagnosis or examination
- CD
Average rate of smoking (in cigarettes per day)
Ramsey, F.L. and Schafer, D.W. (2013). The Statistical Sleuth: A Course in Methods of Data Analysis (3rd ed), Cengage Learning.
Holst, P.A., Kromhout, D. and Brand, R. (1988). For Debate: Pet Birds as an Independent Risk Factor for Lung Cancer, British Medical Journal 297: 13–21.
myCode <- ifelse(BK=="Bird" & LC=="LungCancer","Bird & Cancer",
ifelse(BK=="Bird" & LC=="NoCancer","Bird & No Cancer",
ifelse(BK=="NoBird" & LC=="LungCancer","No Bird & Cancer", "No Bird & No Cancer")))
if(require(car)){ # Use the car library
scatterplotMatrix(cbind(AG,YR,CD), groups=myCode, diagonal="none",reg.line=FALSE,
pch=c(15,21,15,21), col=c("dark green","dark green","purple","purple"),
var.labels=c("Age","Years Smoked","Cigarettes per Day"), cex=1.5)
# Reorder the levels so that the model is for log odds of cancer
LC <- factor(LC, levels=c("NoCancer","LungCancer"))
myGlm <- glm(LC ~ FM + SS + AG + YR + CD + BK, family=binomial)
if(require(car)){ # Use the car library
crPlots(myGlm) }
# It appears that there's an effect of Years of Smoking and of Bird Keeping
# after accounting for other variables; no obvious effects of other variables
# Logistic regression model building using backward elimination (witholding BK)
myGlm1 <- glm(LC ~ FM + SS + AG + YR + CD, family=binomial)
myGlm2 <- update(myGlm1, ~ . - SS)
myGlm3 <- update(myGlm2, ~ . - CD)
myGlm4 <- update(myGlm3, ~ . - FM)
summary(myGlm4) # Everything left has a small p-value (retain the intercept)
myGlm5 <- update(myGlm4, ~ . + BK) # Now add bird keeping
myGlm6 <- update(myGlm5, ~ . + BK:YR + AG:YR) # Try interaction terms
anova(myGlm6,myGlm5) # Drop-in-deviance = 1.61 on 2 d.f.
1 - pchisq(1.61,2) # p-value = .45: no evidence of interaction
anova(myGlm4,myGlm5) # Test for bird keeping effect
(1 - pchisq(12.612,1))/2 # 1-sided p-value: 0.0001916391
BK <- factor(BK, levels=c("NoBird", "Bird")) # Make "no bird" the ref level
myGlm5b <- glm(LC ~ AG + YR + BK, family=binomial)
beta <- myGlm5b$coef # Extract estimated coefficients
exp(beta[4]) # 3.961248
exp(confint(myGlm5b,4)) # 1.836764 8.900840
# Interpretation: The odds of lung cancer for people who kept birds were
# estimated to be 4 times the odds of lung cancer for people of similar age, sex,
# smoking history, and socio-economic status who didn't keep birds
# (95% confidence interval for this adjusted odds ratio: 1.8 times to 8.9 times).
# See bestglm library for an alternative variable selection technique.