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Love and Marriage
Thirty couples participated in a study of love and marriage. Wives and husbands responded separately to four questions:
What is the level of passionate love you feel for your spouse?
What is the level of passionate love your spouse feels for you?
What is the level of compassionate love you feel for your spouse?
What is the level of compassionate love your spouse feels for you?
Each response was recorded on a five-point scale: 1=None, 2=Very Little, 3=Some, 4=A Great Deal and 5=A Tremendous Amount.
A data frame with 30 observations on the following 9 variables.
- Couple
couple identification number
- HP
level of passionate love husband feels for spouse
- WP
level of passionate love wife feels for spouse
- HC
level of compassionate love husband feels for spouse
- WC
level of compassionate love wife feels for spouse
- PW
level of passionate love husband perceives spouse to have for him
- PH
level of passionate love wife perceives spouse to have for her
- CW
level of compassionate love husband perceives spouse to have for him
- CH
level of compassionate love husband perceives spouse to have for her
Ramsey, F.L. and Schafer, D.W. (2013). The Statistical Sleuth: A Course in Methods of Data Analysis (3rd ed), Cengage Learning.
Johnson, R.A. and Wichern, D.W. (1988). Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis (2nd ed), Prentice-Hall.
x <- cbind(HP,WP,HC,WC) # 4 components of level of love you feel for spouse
y <- cbind(PW,PH,CW,CH) # 4 components of level of love you perceive from spouse
if(require(CCA)){ # Use the CCA library
myCCA <- cc(x,y) # Store canonical correlation computations
canCor <- myCCA$cor # Extract the canonical correlations
canCor #[1] 0.9506990 0.8665601 0.5571876 0.1106555
# Make a function to test the number of canonical correlations (advanced).
# Bartlett modification of likelihood ratio test
# Reference: Mardia, Kent, and Bibby, 1980, Multivariate Analysis,
myTest <- function(xMatrix,yMatrix) {
if(require(CCA)){ # Use the CCA library
myCCA <- cc(xMatrix,yMatrix) # Store CCA computations
canCor <- myCCA$cor # extract the canonical correlations
n <- dim(x)[1] # number of rows of x,= sample size
p <- dim(y)[2] # number of component variables in y
q <- dim(x)[2] # number of component variables in x
k <- min(p,q) # the maximum number of canonical pairs
testStat <- rep(0,k) # store the test statistics; initially set to 0
degFr <- rep(0,k) # store the associated degrees of freedom
canCor2 <- canCor[k:1] # Reverse order for the following calculations
productTerm <- 1
for (i in 1:k) {
productTerm <- productTerm*(1 - canCor2[i]^2)
degFr[i] <- (p + 1 - i)*(q + 1 - i)
testStat[i] <- -(n -(p+q+3)/2)*log(productTerm)
pair <- 1:k
testStat <- round(testStat[k:1],2) # Revert to original order; round
pValue <- round(1 - pchisq(testStat,degFr),4) # p-value to 4 digits
canCor <- round(canCor,4) # Round to 4 digits
cbind(pair,canCor, testStat,degFr, pValue) # Show the results;
} }
# Explore possible meaningful linear combination suggested by first pair of CCs
# The 1st column of xcoef is almost entirely HC; 1st column of ycoef is CW
ccX1 <- myCCA$scores$xscores[,1]
plot(ccX1 ~ jitter(HC)) # See if HC is a good substitute for 1st X canonical var
cor(ccX1,HC) #[1] 0.9719947
ccY1 <- myCCA$scores$yscores[,1]
plot(ccY1 ~ jitter(CW)) # See if CW is a good substitute for 1st y canonical var
cor(ccY1, CW) #[1] 0.9975468
# Analyze the correlation of the meaningful substitute variables
cor(HC,CW) # [1] 0.9280323
myLm1 <- lm(HC ~ CW)
summary(myLm1) # p-value < 0.0001 (test for slope= 0 equiv to test that corr = 0)
# Explore possible meaningful linear combination suggested by 2nd pair of CCs
# Suggested substitutes from 2nd columns above are WC and CH
ccX2 <- myCCA$scores$xscores[,2]
WCres <- lm(WC ~ HC)$res # WC with effect of HC removed
plot(ccX2 ~ WCres)
cor(ccX2,WCres) #[1] 0.9045225
ccY2 <- myCCA$scores$yscores[,2]
CHres <- lm(CH ~ CW)$res # CH with effect of CW removed
plot(ccY2 ~ CHres)
cor(ccY2,CHres) # [1] 0.9280248
cor(WC,CH) #[1] 0.8134213
myLm2 <- lm(WC ~ CH)
summary(myLm2) # p-value < 0.0001 for test that correlation = 0
# Explore cannonical correlations from other groupings of variables
x <- cbind(HP, HC, PW, CW) # husband's responses
y <- cbind(WP, WC, PH, CH) # wife's responses
myTest(x,y) # No evidence that husbands' responses are correlated with wifes'
x <- cbind(HP,PW,WP,PH) # passionate responses
y <- cbind(HC,CW,WC,CH) # compassionate responses
myTest(x,y) #No evidence that passionate anc compassionate responses are correlated
jFactor <- 0.3 # Jittering factor (try different values to see what works)
jHC <- jitter(HC,factor=jFactor)
jCW <- jitter(CW,factor=jFactor)
jCH <- jitter(CH,factor=jFactor)
jWC <- jitter(WC,factor=jFactor)
opar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE) # Store current graphical parameter settings
par(mfrow=c(2,2)) # Prepare to make a 2x2 panel of graphs
par(mar=c(1.1,4.1,1.1,1.1) ) # Adjust margins
plot(jHC ~ jCW, ylab="Husband's Compassionate Love For His Wife (Jittered)",
xlab="", ylim=c(3,5.1), xlim=c(3,5.1), col="black", pch=21, lwd=2,
bg="green", cex=2 )
text(3,5.1,"correlation = 0.93",adj=0)
text(3,5.0,"p-value < 0.0001",adj=0)
plot(jHC ~ jCH, xlab="", ylab="", ylim=c(3,5.1), xlim=c(3,5.1),
col="black", pch=21, lwd=2, bg="green", cex=2 )
cor(HC,CH) #[1] 0.274204
myLm3 <- lm(HC ~ CH)
summary(myLm3)# p-value = 0.143
text(3,5.1,"correlation = 0.27",adj=0)
text(3,5.0,"p-value = 0.14",adj=0)
plot(jWC ~ jCW,
xlab="Husband's Perceived Compassionate Love From His Wife (Jittered)",
ylab="Wife's Compassionate Love For Her Husband (Jittered)",
ylim=c(3,5.1), xlim=c(3,5.1), col="black", pch=21, lwd=2, bg="green", cex=2 )
cor(WC,CW) #[1] 0.04171195
myLm4 <- lm(WC ~ CW)
summary(myLm4) # p-value = 0.827
text(3,3.1,"correlation = 0.04",adj=0)
text(3,3,"p-value = 0.8",adj=0)
plot(jWC ~ jCH, ylab="",
xlab="Wife's Perceived Compassionate Love From Her Husband (Jittered)",
ylim=c(3,5.1), xlim=c(3,5.1), col="black", pch=21, lwd=2, bg="green", cex=2 )
text(3,3.1,"correlation = 0.81",adj=0)
text(3,3,"p-value < 0.0001",adj=0)
par(opar) # Restore previous graphics parameter settings