case0301 {Sleuth3} | R Documentation |
Cloud Seeding
Does dropping silver iodide onto clouds increase the amount of rainfall they produce? In a randomized experiment, researchers measured the volume of rainfall in a target area (in acre-feet) on 26 suitable days in which the clouds were seeded and on 26 suitble days in which the clouds were not seeded.
A data frame with 52 observations on the following 2 variables.
- Rainfall
the volume of rainfall in the target area (in acre-feet)
- Treatment
a factor with levels
indicating whether the clouds were unseeded or seeded.
Ramsey, F.L. and Schafer, D.W. (2013). The Statistical Sleuth: A Course in Methods of Data Analysis (3rd ed), Cengage Learning.
Simpson, J., Olsen, A., and Eden, J. (1975). A Bayesian Analysis of a Multiplicative Treatment Effect in Weather Modification. Technometrics 17: 161–166.
str(case0301) #Seeded is level 1 of Treatment (it's first alphabetically)
boxplot(Rainfall ~ Treatment)
boxplot(log(Rainfall) ~ Treatment) # Boxplots of natural logs of Rainfall
t.test(log(Rainfall) ~ Treatment, var.equal=TRUE,
alternative="greater") # 1-sided t-test; alternative: level 1 mean is greater
myTest <- t.test(log(Rainfall) ~ Treatment, var.equal=TRUE,
alternative="two.sided") # 2-sided alternative to get confidence interval
exp(myTest$est[1] - myTest$est[2]) # Back-transform estimate on log scale
exp(myTest$conf) # Back transform endpoints of confidence interval
boxplot(log(Rainfall) ~ Treatment,
ylab="Log of Rainfall Volume in Target Area (Acre Feet)",
names=c("On 26 Seeded Days", "On 26 Unseeded Days"),
main="Distributions of Rainfalls from Cloud Seeding Experiment")
opar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE) # Store device graphics parameters
par(mar=c(4,4,4,4)) # Change margins to allow more space on right
boxplot(log(Rainfall) ~ Treatment, ylab="Log Rainfall (Acre-Feet)",
names=c("on 26 seeded days","on 26 unseeded days"),
main="Boxplots of Rainfall on Log Scale", col="green", boxlwd=2,
medlwd=2, whisklty=1, whisklwd=2, staplewex=.2, staplelwd=2,
outlwd=2, outpch=21, outbg="green", outcex=1.5 )
myTicks <- c(1,5,10,100,500,1000,2000,3000) # some tick marks for original scale
axis(4, at=log(myTicks), label=myTicks) # Add original-scale axis on right
mtext("Rainfall (Acre Feet)", side=4, line=2.5) # Add right-side axis label
par(opar) # Restore previous graphics parameter settings