sim_R {SimSurvey}R Documentation

Simulate starting abundance, random recruitment and total mortality


These functions return a function to use inside sim_abundance. Given parameters, it generates N0, R and Z values.


sim_R(log_mean = log(3e+07), log_sd = 0.5, random_walk = TRUE, plot = FALSE)

  log_mean = log(0.5),
  log_sd = 0.2,
  phi_age = 0.9,
  phi_year = 0.5,
  plot = FALSE

sim_N0(N0 = "exp", plot = FALSE)



One mean value or a vector of means, in log scale, of length equal to years for sim_R or a matrix of means with rows equaling the number of ages and columns equaling the number of years for sim_Z.


Standard deviation of the variable in the log scale.


Simulate recruitment as a random walk?


produce a simple plot of the simulated values?


Autoregressive parameter for the age dimension.


Autoregressive parameter for the year dimension.


Either specify "exp" or numeric vector of starting abundance excluding the first age. If "exp" is specified using sim_N0, then abundance at age are calculated using exponential decay.


sim_R generates uncorrelated recruitment values or random walk values from a log normal distribution. sim_Z does the same as sim_R when phi_age and phi_year are both 0, otherwise values are correlated in the age and/or year dimension. The covariance structure follows that described in Cadigan (2015).


Returns a function for use inside sim_abundance.


Cadigan, Noel G. 2015. A State-Space Stock Assessment Model for Northern Cod, Including Under-Reported Catches and Variable Natural Mortality Rates. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73 (2): 296-308.


R_fun <- sim_R(log_mean = log(100000), log_sd = 0.1, random_walk = TRUE, plot = TRUE)
R_fun(years = 1:100)
sim_abundance(R = sim_R(log_mean = log(100000), log_sd = 0.5))
sim_abundance(years = 1:20,
              R = sim_R(log_mean = log(c(rep(100000, 10), rep(10000, 10))), plot = TRUE))

Z_fun <- sim_Z(log_mean = log(0.5), log_sd = 0.1, phi_age = 0.9, phi_year = 0.9, plot = TRUE)
Z_fun(years = 1:100, ages = 1:20)
sim_abundance(Z = sim_Z(log_mean = log(0.5), log_sd = 0.1, plot = TRUE))
Za_dev <- c(-0.2, -0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0)
Zy_dev <- c(-0.2, -0.2, -0.2, -0.2, -0.2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Z_mat <- outer(Za_dev, Zy_dev, "+") + 0.5
sim_abundance(ages = 1:10, years = 1:20,
              Z = sim_Z(log_mean = log(Z_mat), plot = TRUE))
sim_abundance(ages = 1:10, years = 1:20,
              Z = sim_Z(log_mean = log(Z_mat), log_sd = 0, phi_age = 0, phi_year = 0, plot = TRUE))

N0_fun <- sim_N0(N0 = "exp", plot = TRUE)
N0_fun(R0 = 1000, Z0 = rep(0.5, 20), ages = 1:20)
sim_abundance(N0 = sim_N0(N0 = "exp", plot = TRUE))

[Package SimSurvey version 0.1.6 Index]