postSimOpt {SimJoint}R Documentation

Post simulation optimization


Impose the target correlation matrix via a heuristic algorithm.


  Xcor = matrix(),
  acceptProb = 1,
  seed = 123L,
  convergenceTail = 10000L



An N x K numeric matrix of K marginal distributions (samples). Columns need not be sorted.


A K x K target correlation matrix. The matrix should be positive semi-definite.


The K x K correlation matrix of X. If empty, calculate the correlations inside. Default empty.


A numeric vector of probabilities that sum up to 1. In each iteration, the entry having the largest error in the current correlation matrix will be selected with probability acceptProb[1] for correction; the entry having the second largest error will be selected with probability acceptProb[2] for correction, etc. Default 1, meaning the entry with the worst error is always chosen.


An integer or an integer vector of size 4. A single integer seeds a pcg64 generator the usual way. An integer vector of size 4 supplies all the bits for a pcg64 object. Default 123.


An integer. If the last convergenceTail iterations did not reduce the cost function, return. Default 100000.


Algorithms are detailed in the package vignette. Examples of usage also appeared in functions like SJpearson().


A list of size 2.


A numeric matrix of size N x K, the simulated joint distribution.


Pearson correlation matrix of X.


# =============================================================================
# Use one of the examples for `SJpearson()`
# =============================================================================
N = 10000L
K = 10L

# Several 2-parameter PDFs in R:
marginals = list(rbeta, rcauchy, rf, rgamma, rnorm, runif, rweibull)
Npdf = length(marginals)

if(Npdf >= K) chosenMarginals =
  marginals[sample(Npdf, K, replace = TRUE)] else chosenMarginals =
  marginals[c(1L : Npdf, sample(Npdf, K - Npdf, replace = TRUE))]

# Sample from the marginal PDFs.
marginals = as.matrix(, function(f)
  para = sort(runif(2, 0.1, 10))
  rst = f(N, para[1], para[2])
dimnames(marginals) = NULL

frechetUpperCor = cor(marginals) # The correlation matrix should be
# upper-bounded by that of the perfectly rank-correlated
# joint (Frechet upper bound). The lower bound is characterized by
# d-countercomonotonicity and depends not only on marginals.
cat("Range of maximal correlations between marginals:",
    range(frechetUpperCor[frechetUpperCor < 1]))
# Two perfectly rank-correlated marginals can have a Pearson
# correlation below 0.07. This is due to highly nonlinear functional
# relationships between marginal PDFs.

# Create a valid correlation matrix upper-bounded by `frechetUpperCor`.
  targetCor = sapply(frechetUpperCor, function(x)
    runif(1, -0.1, min(0.3, x * 0.8)))
  targetCor = matrix(targetCor, ncol = K)
  targetCor[lower.tri(targetCor)] = t(targetCor)[lower.tri(t(targetCor))]
  diag(targetCor) = 1
  if(min(eigen(targetCor)$values) >= 0) break # Stop once the correlation
  # matrix is semi-positive definite. This loop could run for
  # a long time if we do not bound the uniform by 0.3.

result = SimJoint::SJpearson(
  X = marginals, cor = targetCor, stochasticStepDomain = c(0, 1),
  errorType = "meanSquare", seed = 456, maxCore = 1, convergenceTail = 8)

# # Code blocks are commented due to execution time constraint by CRAN check.
# system.time({postOptResult = SimJoint::postSimOpt(
#   X = result$X, cor = targetCor, convergenceTail = 10000)})
# # user  system elapsed
# # 6.66    0.00    6.66
# system.time({directOptResult = SimJoint::postSimOpt(
#   X = marginals, cor = targetCor, convergenceTail = 10000)})
# # user  system elapsed
# # 8.48    0.00    8.48
# sum((result$cor - targetCor) ^ 2)
# # [1] 0.02209447
# sum((resultOpt$cor - targetCor) ^ 2)
# # [1] 0.0008321346
# sum((directOptResult$cor - targetCor) ^ 2)
# # [1] 0.02400257

[Package SimJoint version 0.3.12 Index]