NewMEVAsyLogisticCopula {SimCop}R Documentation

Creates a multivariate asymmetric logistic copula


Creates an instance of the multivariate asymmetric copula with parameters \theta and r.


NewMEVAsyLogisticCopula(theta, r)



a k \times d matrix of reals.


a vector of k reals


If theta has entries \theta_{ij} and r has entries r_j (i=1,\dots,k and j=1,\dots,d), then the following parameterisation of the copula is used:

C(u_1,\dots,u_d) = \exp\left(- \sum_{i=1}^k \left\{ \sum_{j=1}^d (\theta_{ij} \bar u_j)^{r_i} \right\}^{1/r_i} \right)

where \bar u_j = -\log(u_j), j=1,\dots,d.

Necessary and sufficient conditions for the parameters are


A function that evaluates the multivariate asymmetric logistic copula (with parameters \theta and r) at a given d-dimensional vector in the unit square. Note that for this function the dimension of vectors at which the copula can be evaluated is determined by the input parameters. The environment of the function also contains a function called pdfCopula that evaluates the probability density function of the multivariate asymmetric logistic copula via automatic differentation.


Berwin A. Turlach <>

See Also

NewBEVAsyLogisticCopula, NewMEVGumbelCopula


theta <-  rbind(c(0, 0.2, 0.8), c(1,0.8,0.2))
r <- c(2,3)
cop <- NewMEVAsyLogisticCopula(theta, r)

## Creates the same copula
theta <- 0.2
phi <- 0.4
r <- 2
cop1 <- NewBEVAsyLogisticCopula(r, theta, phi)
theta <- cbind(c(phi, 1-phi, 0), c(theta, 0, 1-theta))
r <- c(r, 1,  1)
cop2 <- NewMEVAsyLogisticCopula(theta, r)

[Package SimCop version 0.7.0 Index]