speciesModel {SiMRiv}R Documentation

Defines a species model to adjust to a real trajectory


The sole purpose of this function is to be used in conjunction with adjustModel. It is used to tell the optimization algorithm which parameters are to be approximated, and which are constant.


  speciesModel(type, perceptual.range = 0, steplength = 1
    , prob.upperbound = 0.5, max.concentration = 0.99)



the type of movement to "fit". One of CRW, RW.CRW, CRW.CRW, RW.CRW.sl, CRW.CRW.sl


the perceptual range for all states.


the fixed step length for fixed step length types CRW, RW.CRW, CRW.CRW or the maximum allowed value for variable step length types RW.CRW.sl , CRW.CRW.sl, CRW.CRW.CRW.sl and CRW.RW.Rest.sl.


the maximum allowed value for the state switching probabilities. The default is 0.5 because very high state switching probabilities don't make much sense from a biological point of view.


the maximum allowed value for the turning angle concentration parameter for CRWs [0, 1]. By default it is set to 0.99 because values higher than this (for technical reasons) result in straight line paths, which is a technical artifact.


This function defines the type of movement to be adjusted with adjustModel. Before choosing the type, it is good practice to plot the real trajectory and visually assess which would be the most adequate model to try. Currently included movement types are:

However, the user can easily write any custom function for addressing other movement types, see the code for details.


Returns a function that creates a species from a vector of parameter values. This function is normally used to create species from the adjustModel results, see examples there.

See Also




model <- speciesModel("RW.CRW.sl")

# this shows the parameters that will be approximated

# this creates a species with 2 states
# RW and a CRW with correlation 0.9
# with the switching probabilities RW->CRW = 0.01, CRW->RW = 0.05
# and the step lengths RW = 15, CRW = 50.

species <- model(c(0.9, 0.01, 0.05, 15, 50))

[Package SiMRiv version 1.0.6 Index]