Arith-methods {SiMRiv}R Documentation

Shortcuts for defining species movement states


Shortcuts for defining species movement states with the arithmetic operators +, *.

The + applied to states or species and a number defines the step length of one behavioural state or of all states of a species.

The * applied to states or species and a number defines the radius of the perceptual range of one behavioural state or of all states of a species.

Further, states can be combined with + to define multistate movements in a species. See examples.


signature(e1 = "list", e2 = "state")

Adds one state to a list of states.

signature(e1 = "species", e2 = "ANY")

Applies the operation to all states in the given species.

signature(e1 = "state", e2 = "list")

Adds one state to a list of states.

signature(e1 = "state", e2 = "numeric")

Sets the step length of the given state to the given value.

signature(e1 = "state", e2 = "state")

Combines two states in a list of states to be used with species.

See Also

species, state.


# define a species with two states
twostatespecies <- species(state.RW() + state.CRW(0.9)
  , transitionMatrix(0.01, 0.02))

# set the perception window radius of both states to 200
# and the step length to 10
twostatespecies <- twostatespecies * 200 + 10

[Package SiMRiv version 1.0.6 Index]