Automatic Short Form Creation

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Documentation for package ‘ShortForm’ version 0.5.3

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ShortForm-package 'ShortForm' package
.onAttach Package Attach Hook Function
ACO-class An S4 class for the Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm
add.param Adds a parameter to the given search table. Checks whether parameter is involved in any (in)equality constraints in a fitted lavaan model
antcolony.lavaan A function to implement the ant colony optimization algorithm for short form specification searches with the package lavaan.
antcolony.mplus A function to implement the ant colony optimization algorithm for short form specification searches, either using MPlus directly via 'system' calls or using Mplus indirectly with the package MplusAutomation.
exampleAntModel Model syntax for the example in the 'antcolony.lavaan' function.
modelCheck-class An S4 class for the modelCheck object
plot-method Plot method for class 'ACO'
plot-method Plot method for class 'SA'
plot-method Plot method for class 'TS'
refit.model Given a fitted lavaan model and a search table, refits the model using the search table as specifying what changes should be done (parameters fixed/freed).
SA-class An S4 class for the Simulated Annealing Algorithm
search.prep Given a fitted lavaan model (e.g., CFA), prepares a table that contains parameters that can be fixed/freed as part of a model specification search.
shortExampleAntModel Model syntax for the short example in the 'antcolony.lavaan' function.
ShortForm 'ShortForm' package
ShortFormStartup Create Package Startup Message
show-method Print method for class 'ACO'
show-method Print method for class 'SA'
show-method Print method for class 'TS'
simulatedAnnealing An adaptation of the simulated annealing algorithm for psychometric models.
simulated_test_data A simulated data set based on a standardized test.
summary-method Summary method for class 'ACO'
summary-method Summary method for class 'SA'
summary-method Summary method for class 'TS'
tabu.sem Given a fitted lavaan model, a search table, and an objective criterion, performs a Tabu model specification search. Currently only supports neighbors that are 1 move away from the current model.
tabuShortForm Short Form Tabu Search
TS-class An S4 class for the Tabu Search Algorithm