{ShiftShareSE}R Documentation

Inference in a shift-share regression


Basic computing engine to calculate confidence intervals and p-values in shift-share designs using different inference methods, as specified by method.

  w = NULL,
  method = c("akm", "akm0"),
  beta0 = 0,
  alpha = 0.05,
  region_cvar = NULL,
  sector_cvar = NULL



Outcome variable, vector of length N, with each row corresponding to a region.


Shift-share vector with length N of sectoral shocks, aggregated to regional level using the share matrix W. That is, each element of X corresponds to a region.


A matrix of sector shares, so that W[i, s] corresponds to share of sector s in region i. The ordering of the regions must coincide with that in the other inputs, such as X. The ordering of the sectors in the columns of W is irrelevant but the identity of the sectors in must coincide with those used to construct X.


Matrix of regional controls, matrix with N rows corresponding to regions.


vector of weights (length N) to be used in the fitting process. If not NULL, weighted least squares is used with weights w, i.e., sum(w * residuals^2) is minimized.


Vector specifying which inference methods to use. The vector elements have to be one or more of the following strings:


Assume i.i.d. homoskedastic errors


Eicker-Huber-White standard errors


Standard errors clustered at regional level




Adão-Kolesár-Morales with null imposed. Note the reported standard error for this method corresponds to the normalized standard error, given by the length of the confidence interval divided by 2z1α/22z_{1-\alpha/2}


All of the methods above


null that is tested (only affects reported p-values)


Determines confidence level of reported confidence intervals, which will have coverage 1-alpha.


A vector with length N of cluster variables, for method "cluster_region". If the vector 1:N is used, clustering is effectively equivalent to ehw


A vector with length S of cluster variables, if sectors are to be clustered, for methods "akm" and "akm0". If the vector 1:S is used, this is equivalent to not clustering.


Returns an object of class "SSResults" containing the estimation and inference results. The print function can be used to print a summary of the results. The object is a list with at least the following components:


Point estimate of the effect of interest β\beta

se, p

A vector of standard errors and a vector of p-values of the null H0 ⁣:β=β0H_{0}\colon \beta = \beta_{0} for the inference methods in method, with β0\beta_{0} specified by the argument beta0. For the method "akm0", the standard error corresponds to the effective standard error (length of the confidence interval divided by 2*stats::qnorm(1-alpha/2))

ci.l, ci.r

Upper and lower endpoints of the confidence interval for the effect of interest β\beta, for each of the methods in method

[Package ShiftShareSE version 1.1.0 Index]