export_results {ShellChron} | R Documentation |
Function to merge and export the results of the ShellChron model
Takes the input data and model results and reformats them to tables of key parameters such as growth rate and shell age for each datapoint for easy plotting. This final function also combines uncertainties in the model result arising from uncertainties in input data (provided by the user) and uncertainties of the model (from overlapping modeling windows). Includes some optional plotting options.
path = getwd(),
MC = 1000,
plot = FALSE,
plot_export = TRUE,
export_raw = FALSE
path |
Path where result files are exported |
dat |
Matrix containing the input data |
resultarray |
Array containing the full results of the optimized growth model |
parmat |
Matrix listing all optimized growth rate and SST parameters used to model d18O in each data window |
MC |
Number of Monte Carlo simulations to apply for error propagation. Default = 1000 |
dynwindow |
Information on the position and length of modeling windows |
plot |
Should an overview of the results of modeling
be plotted? |
plot_export |
Should the overview plot be exported as
a PDF file? |
export_raw |
Export tables containing all raw model
results before being merged into tidy tables? |
CSV tables of model results in the current working directory + optional plots in PDF format
package dependencies: tidyverse 1.3.0; ggpubr 0.4.0; magrittr function dependencies: sd_wt
# Create dummy input data column by column
dat <- as.data.frame(seq(1000, 40000, 1000))
colnames(dat) <- "D"
dat$d18Oc <- sin((2 * pi * (seq(1, 40, 1) - 8 + 7 / 4)) / 7)
dat$YEARMARKER <- c(0, rep(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), 5), 0, 0, 0, 0)
dat$D_err <- rep(100, 40)
dat$d18Oc_err <- rep(0.1, 40)
testarray <- array(NA, dim = c(40, 36, 9)) # Create empty array
# with correct third dimension
windowfill <- seq(50, 500, 50) %% 365 # Create dummy simulation data
# (ages) to copy through the array
for(i in 6:length(testarray[1, , 1])){
testarray[, i, 3] <- c(windowfill, rep(NA, length(testarray[, 1, 3]) -
windowfill <- c(NA, (windowfill + 51) %% 365)
# Add dummy /code{D} column.
testarray[, 1, 3] <- seq(1, length(testarray[, 1, 3]), 1)
# Add dummy YEARMARKER column
testarray[, 3, 3] <- c(0, rep(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), 5), 0, 0, 0, 0)
# Add dummy d18Oc column
testarray[, 2, 3] <- sin((2 * pi * (testarray[, 1, 3] - 8 + 7 / 4)) / 7)
# Create dummy seasonality data
seas <- as.data.frame(seq(1, 365, 1))
colnames(seas) <- "t"
seas$SST <- 15 + 10 * sin((2 * pi * (seq(1, 365, 1) - 182.5 +
365 / 4)) / 365)
seas$GR <- 10 + 10 * sin((2 * pi * (seq(1, 365, 1) - 100 + 365 / 4)) / 365)
seas$d18O <- (exp((18.03 * 1000 / (seas$SST + 273.15) - 32.42) / 1000) - 1) *
1000 + (0.97002 * 0 - 29.98)
# Apply dummy seasonality data to generate other tabs of testarray
testarray[, , 1] <- seas$d18O[match(testarray[, , 3], seas$t)] # d18O values
tab <- testarray[, , 1]
tab[which(!is.na(tab))] <- 0.1
testarray[, , 2] <- tab # dummy d18O residuals
testarray[, , 4] <- seas$GR[match(testarray[, , 3], seas$t)] # growth rates
testarray[, , 5] <- seas$SST[match(testarray[, , 3], seas$t)] # temperature
tab[which(!is.na(tab))] <- 0.1
testarray[, , 6] <- tab # dummy d18O SD
tab[which(!is.na(tab))] <- 20
testarray[, , 7] <- tab # dummy time SD
tab[which(!is.na(tab))] <- 3
testarray[, , 8] <- tab # dummy GR SD
tab[which(!is.na(tab))] <- 1
testarray[, , 9] <- tab # dummy temperature SD
darray <- array(rep(as.matrix(dat), 9), dim = c(40, 5, 9))
testarray[, 1:5, ] <- darray
# Create dummy dynwindow data
dynwindow <- as.data.frame(seq(1, 31, 1))
colnames(dynwindow) <- "x"
dynwindow$y <- rep(10, 31)
dimnames(testarray) <- list(
paste("sample", 1:length(testarray[, 1, 3])),
c(colnames(dat), paste("window", 1:length(dynwindow$x))),
"Modeled temperature",
# Set parameters
G_amp <- 20
G_per <- 365
G_pha <- 100
G_av <- 15
G_skw <- 70
T_amp <- 20
T_per <- 365
T_pha <- 150
T_av <- 15
pars <- c(T_amp, T_pha, T_av, G_amp, G_pha, G_av, G_skw)
parsSD <- c(3, 10, 3, 5, 10, 3, 5) # Artificial variability in parameters
parmat <- matrix(rnorm(length(pars) * length(dynwindow$x)), nrow =
length(pars)) * parsSD + matrix(rep(pars, length(dynwindow$x)),
nrow = length(pars))
rownames(parmat) <- c("T_amp", "T_pha", "T_av", "G_amp", "G_pha", "G_av",
# Run export function
test <- export_results(path = tempdir(),
MC = 1000,
plot = FALSE,
plot_export = FALSE,
export_raw = FALSE)