SharpeR-package |
statistics concerning Sharpe ratio and Markowitz portfolio |
as.del_sropt |
Compute the Sharpe ratio of a hedged Markowitz portfolio. |
as.del_sropt.default |
Compute the Sharpe ratio of a hedged Markowitz portfolio. |
as.del_sropt.xts |
Compute the Sharpe ratio of a hedged Markowitz portfolio. | |
Compute the Sharpe ratio. | |
Compute the Sharpe ratio. | |
Compute the Sharpe ratio. | |
Compute the Sharpe ratio. | |
Compute the Sharpe ratio. | |
Compute the Sharpe ratio. | |
Compute the Sharpe ratio. |
as.sropt |
Compute the Sharpe ratio of the Markowitz portfolio. |
as.sropt.default |
Compute the Sharpe ratio of the Markowitz portfolio. |
as.sropt.xts |
Compute the Sharpe ratio of the Markowitz portfolio. |
confint.del_sropt |
Confidence Interval on (optimal) Signal-Noise Ratio | |
Confidence Interval on (optimal) Signal-Noise Ratio |
confint.sropt |
Confidence Interval on (optimal) Signal-Noise Ratio |
del_sropt |
Create an 'del_sropt' object. |
dsr |
The (non-central) Sharpe ratio. |
dsropt |
The (non-central) maximal Sharpe ratio distribution. |
inference |
Inference on noncentrality parameter of F-like statistic |
inference.del_sropt |
Inference on noncentrality parameter of F-like statistic |
inference.sropt |
Inference on noncentrality parameter of F-like statistic |
is.del_sropt |
Is this in the "del_sropt" class? | |
Is this in the "sr" class? |
is.sropt |
Is this in the "sropt" class? |
ism_vcov |
Compute variance covariance of Inverse 'Unified' Second Moment |
pco_sropt |
The 'confidence distribution' for maximal Sharpe ratio. |
plambdap |
The lambda-prime distribution. |
power.sropt_test |
Power calculations for optimal Sharpe ratio tests |
power.sr_test |
Power calculations for Sharpe ratio tests |
predint |
prediction interval for Sharpe ratio |
print.del_sropt |
Print values. | |
Print values. |
print.sropt |
Print values. |
psr |
The (non-central) Sharpe ratio. |
psropt |
The (non-central) maximal Sharpe ratio distribution. |
qco_sropt |
The 'confidence distribution' for maximal Sharpe ratio. |
qlambdap |
The lambda-prime distribution. |
qsr |
The (non-central) Sharpe ratio. |
qsropt |
The (non-central) maximal Sharpe ratio distribution. |
reannualize |
Change the annualization of a Sharpe ratio. | |
Change the annualization of a Sharpe ratio. |
reannualize.sropt |
Change the annualization of a Sharpe ratio. |
rlambdap |
The lambda-prime distribution. |
rsr |
The (non-central) Sharpe ratio. |
rsropt |
The (non-central) maximal Sharpe ratio distribution. |
se |
Standard error computation | |
Standard error computation |
SharpeR-NEWS |
News for package 'SharpeR': |
sm_vcov |
Compute variance covariance of 'Unified' Second Moment |
sr |
Create an 'sr' object. |
sric |
Sharpe Ratio Information Coefficient |
sropt |
Create an 'sropt' object. |
sropt_test |
test for optimal Sharpe ratio |
sr_bias |
sr_bias . |
sr_equality_test |
Paired test for equality of Sharpe ratio |
sr_test |
test for Sharpe ratio |
sr_unpaired_test |
test for equation on unpaired Sharpe ratios |
sr_variance |
sr_variance . |
sr_vcov |
Compute variance covariance of Sharpe Ratios. |
stock_returns |
Stock Returns Data | |
Summarize a Sharpe, or (delta) optimal Sharpe object. |
summary.sropt |
Summarize a Sharpe, or (delta) optimal Sharpe object. |