Estimate_mortality_dists {SharkDemography}R Documentation

Estimate the range of mortality estimates produced by the different estimators


This function performs a Monte Carlo simulation analysis which determines the distributions of natural mortality (M) produced by each estimator.


Estimate_mortality_dists(n = 1000, data, M.estimators = NULL)



The number of simulations to be run


A multi-level list of the class 'Demography.inputs' produced from the 'create_data_input' function and then manually completed.


Any specific natural mortality estimators to be included in the analysis. Must be a single estimator or a vector of estimators. These can include: "Pet.Wro", "Jensen.mat","Chen.Yuan","Then_hoenig","Then_pauly", "Jensen.mat","Charnov" or "Chen.Want". If none are specified then all applicable estimators could be chosen.


A list which includes a data.frame of the distributions age invariant estimators summarised as the mean and 95% quantiles and dataframes of any age dependent estimators with the mean and 95% quantiles for each age class


# load Silky shark data produced by create_data_input()
# Type `?create_data_input()` for details

# Run function to get natural mortality distributions from  Monte Carlo
# simulations for all available natural mortality estimators.
# Set n = at least 1000 for full analysis but use n = 100 for testing

Estimate_mortality_dists(n = 100, Silky_data)

[Package SharkDemography version 1.1.0 Index]