Tools for Analyzing Shapes and Patterns

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Documentation for package ‘ShapePattern’ version 3.0.1

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ShapePattern-package Tools for Analyzing Shapes and Patterns
build.lut Bias correction lookup table (LUT) builder based on simulations.
buildsurfs Build an array of surfaces across compositional and configuration analysis space.
CARsimu This function simulates an image using a FFT implementation of a Conditional Autoregressive (CAR) model.
data This is a generic data environment that provides some demo data and control functionality.
doubleplotter A comparison of two maps based on their empirical (null) distributions for a class-focused pattern metric
findcol An internal utility that identifies that identifies the appropriate column of the Whittle correction matrix.
findrow An internal utility that identifies that identifies the appropriate row of the Whittle correction matrix.
imaks Draws a matrix in the proper orientation, as it it were a raster landscape.
KLPQ Computes and returns the Kullback-Leibler divergence between two probability distributions
patternbits Decompose a binary landscape (grid) to count its pattern elements
porosity Compute the porosity of raster zones (patches)
ShapePattern Tools for Analyzing Shapes and Patterns
singlemap Process a single binary map
singleplotter Depict the empirical (null) distribution for class-focused pattern metrics.
ssr Decompose a planar shape (polygon) to produce area, perimeter, and number of parts spectra
surfplot Produce graphic plots providing class-focused pattern metric context for a landcape map
wi An internal utility that helps with the Whittle estimation. Whittle estimation for binary map