FOV-methods {SeuratObject}R Documentation

FOV Methods


Methods for FOV objects


## S3 method for class 'FOV'
Cells(x, boundary = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'FOV'
Features(x, set = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'FOV'
FetchData(object, vars, cells = NULL, simplify = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'FOV'
GetTissueCoordinates(object, which = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'FOV'
Keys(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'FOV'
RenameCells(object, new.names = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'FOV'
x$i, ...

## S3 method for class 'FOV'
x[i, j, ...]

## S3 method for class 'FOV'
x[[i, ...]]

## S3 method for class 'FOV'

## S3 method for class 'FOV'

## S3 method for class 'FOV'
subset(x, cells = NULL, features = NULL, ...)

## S4 replacement method for signature 'FOV,character,missing,Centroids'
x[[i, j, ...]] <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'FOV,character,missing,Molecules'
x[[i, j, ...]] <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'FOV,character,missing,NULL'
x[[i, j, ...]] <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'FOV,character,missing,Segmentation'
x[[i, j, ...]] <- value

## S4 method for signature 'FOV'


x, object

A FOV object

boundary, set

Name of segmentation boundary or molecule set to extract cell or feature names for; pass NA to return all cells or feature names


Arguments passed to other methods


A vector of variables to fetch; can be the name of a segmentation boundary, to get tissue coordinates, or molecule names, to get molecule coordinates


If only returning either boundary or molecule coordinates, return a single data frame instead of a list


Name of segmentation boundary or molecule set


vector of new cell names

i, cells

For [[ and [[<-, the name of a segmentation or “molecules”; for FetchData, subset. and [, a vector of cells to keep

j, features

For subset and [, a vector of features to keep; for [[<-, not used


For [[<-, a replacement Molecules, Centroids, or Segmentation object; otherwise NULL to remove the boundary stored at i


The following methods are defined for interacting with a FOV object:

Cells: Get cell names

Features: Get spatially-resolved molecule names

FetchData: Fetch boundary and/or molecule coordinates from a FOV object

GetTissueCoordinates: Get boundary or molecule coordinates from a FOV object

Keys: Get the keys of molecule sets contained within a FOV object

RenameCells: Update cell names

$, [[: Extract a segmentation boundary

length: Get the number of segmentation layers in a FOV object

names: Get the names of segmentation layers and molecule sets

subset, [: Subset a FOV object

[[<-: Add or remove segmentation layers and molecule information to/from a FOV object

show: Display an object summary to stdout


Cells: A vector of cell names

Features: A vector of spatially-resolved molecule names; if no molecular information present, returns NULL

FetchData: If both molecule and boundary coordinates are requested, then a two-length list:

If simplify is TRUE and only one data frame is generated, then only the data frame is returned. Otherwise, a one-length list is returned with the single data frame generated

GetTissueCoordinates: ...

Keys: A named vector of molecule set keys; names are the names of the molecule sets and values are the keys for the respective molecule set

RenameCells: object with the cells renamed to new.names

$, [[: The segmentation boundary or spatially-resolved molecule information stored at i

length: The number of segmentation layers (Segmentation or Centroids objects)

names: A vector of segmentation boundary and molecule set names

subset: x with just the cells and features specified

[[<-: Varies depending on the class of value:

show: Invisibly returns NULL

See Also


[Package SeuratObject version 5.0.2 Index]