DimReduc-validity {SeuratObject}R Documentation

Dimensional Reduction Validity


Validation of DimReduc objects is handled by validObject

Cell Embeddings Validation

The cell embeddings matrix must be a numeric matrix of dimensions ncellsn_{cells} by ddimensionsd_{dimensions}; row names must be the cell names and column names must be the dimension identifier. The dimension identifier must be “key_dimension” (eg. “PC_1”). Dimension identifiers must be in order and cannot be skipped

Feature and Projected Feature Loadings Validation


Standard Deviations Validation


Key Validation

Keys must be a one-length character vector; a key must be composed of one of the following:

Keys that are not empty strings are validated with the regex “^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*_$

See Also

Dimensional reduction object, validity, and interaction methods CreateDimReducObject(), DimReduc-class, [.DimReduc(), [[.DimReduc(), dim.DimReduc(), merge.DimReduc(), print.DimReduc(), subset.DimReduc()

[Package SeuratObject version 5.0.2 Index]