analyzeSentiment | Sentiment analysis |
analyzeSentiment.character | Sentiment analysis |
analyzeSentiment.Corpus | Sentiment analysis | | Sentiment analysis |
analyzeSentiment.DocumentTermMatrix | Sentiment analysis |
analyzeSentiment.TermDocumentMatrix | Sentiment analysis |
compareDictionaries | Compares two dictionaries |
compareToResponse | Compare sentiment values to existing response variable | | Compare sentiment values to existing response variable |
compareToResponse.factor | Compare sentiment values to existing response variable |
compareToResponse.integer | Compare sentiment values to existing response variable |
compareToResponse.logical | Compare sentiment values to existing response variable |
compareToResponse.numeric | Compare sentiment values to existing response variable |
convertToBinaryResponse | Convert continuous sentiment to direction |
convertToDirection | Convert continuous sentiment to direction |
countWords | Count words |
countWords.character | Count words |
countWords.Corpus | Count words | | Count words |
countWords.DocumentTermMatrix | Count words |
countWords.TermDocumentMatrix | Count words |
DictionaryGI | Dictionary with opinionated words from the Harvard-IV dictionary as used in the General Inquirer software |
DictionaryHE | Dictionary with opinionated words from Henry's Financial dictionary |
DictionaryLM | Dictionary with opinionated words from Loughran-McDonald Financial dictionary |
enetEstimation | Elastic net estimation |
extractWords | Extract words from dictionary |
generateDictionary | Generates dictionary of decisive terms |
generateDictionary.character | Generates dictionary of decisive terms |
generateDictionary.Corpus | Generates dictionary of decisive terms | | Generates dictionary of decisive terms |
generateDictionary.DocumentTermMatrix | Generates dictionary of decisive terms |
generateDictionary.TermDocumentMatrix | Generates dictionary of decisive terms |
glmEstimation | Estimation via generalized least squares |
lassoEstimation | Lasso estimation |
lmEstimation | Ordinary least squares estimation |
loadDictionaryGI | Loads Harvard-IV dictionary into object |
loadDictionaryHE | Loads Henry's finance-specific dictionary into object |
loadDictionaryLM | Loads Loughran-McDonald dictionary into object |
loadDictionaryLM_Uncertainty | Loads uncertainty words from Loughran-McDonald into object |
loadDictionaryQDAP | Loads polarity words from qdap package into object |
loadImdb | Retrieves IMDb dataset |
lookupEstimationMethod | Estimation method |
ngram_tokenize | N-gram tokenizer |
numEntries | Number of words in dictionary |
numNegativeEntries | Number of negative words in dictionary |
numPositiveEntries | Number of positive words in dictionary |
plot.SentimentDictionaryWeighted | KDE plot of estimated coefficients |
plotSentiment | Line plot with sentiment scores |
plotSentimentResponse | Scatterplot with trend line between sentiment and response |
predict.SentimentDictionaryWeighted | Prediction for given dictionary |
preprocessCorpus | Default preprocessing of corpus |
print.SentimentDictionaryBinary | Output content of sentiment dictionary |
print.SentimentDictionaryWeighted | Output content of sentiment dictionary |
print.SentimentDictionaryWordlist | Output content of sentiment dictionary |
read | Read dictionary from text file |
ridgeEstimation | Ridge estimation |
ruleLinearModel | Sentiment based on linear model |
ruleNegativity | Ratio of negative words |
rulePositivity | Ratio of positive words |
ruleRatio | Ratio of dictionary words |
ruleSentiment | Sentiment score |
ruleSentimentPolarity | Sentiment polarity score |
ruleWordCount | Counts word frequencies |
SentimentDictionary | Create new sentiment dictionary based on input |
SentimentDictionaryBinary | Create a sentiment dictionary of positive and negative words |
SentimentDictionaryWeighted | Create a sentiment dictionary of words linked to a score |
SentimentDictionaryWordlist | Create a sentiment dictionary consisting of a simple wordlist |
spikeslabEstimation | Spike-and-slab estimation |
summary.SentimentDictionaryBinary | Output summary information on sentiment dictionary |
summary.SentimentDictionaryWeighted | Output summary information on sentiment dictionary |
summary.SentimentDictionaryWordlist | Output summary information on sentiment dictionary |
toDocumentTermMatrix | Default preprocessing of corpus and conversion to document-term matrix |
transformIntoCorpus | Transforms the input into a Corpus object |
write | Write dictionary to text file |
write.SentimentDictionaryBinary | Write dictionary to text file |
write.SentimentDictionaryWeighted | Write dictionary to text file |
write.SentimentDictionaryWordlist | Write dictionary to text file |