Dictionary-Based Sentiment Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘SentimentAnalysis’ version 1.3-5

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analyzeSentiment Sentiment analysis
analyzeSentiment.character Sentiment analysis
analyzeSentiment.Corpus Sentiment analysis
analyzeSentiment.data.frame Sentiment analysis
analyzeSentiment.DocumentTermMatrix Sentiment analysis
analyzeSentiment.TermDocumentMatrix Sentiment analysis
compareDictionaries Compares two dictionaries
compareToResponse Compare sentiment values to existing response variable
compareToResponse.data.frame Compare sentiment values to existing response variable
compareToResponse.factor Compare sentiment values to existing response variable
compareToResponse.integer Compare sentiment values to existing response variable
compareToResponse.logical Compare sentiment values to existing response variable
compareToResponse.numeric Compare sentiment values to existing response variable
convertToBinaryResponse Convert continuous sentiment to direction
convertToDirection Convert continuous sentiment to direction
countWords Count words
countWords.character Count words
countWords.Corpus Count words
countWords.data.frame Count words
countWords.DocumentTermMatrix Count words
countWords.TermDocumentMatrix Count words
DictionaryGI Dictionary with opinionated words from the Harvard-IV dictionary as used in the General Inquirer software
DictionaryHE Dictionary with opinionated words from Henry's Financial dictionary
DictionaryLM Dictionary with opinionated words from Loughran-McDonald Financial dictionary
enetEstimation Elastic net estimation
extractWords Extract words from dictionary
generateDictionary Generates dictionary of decisive terms
generateDictionary.character Generates dictionary of decisive terms
generateDictionary.Corpus Generates dictionary of decisive terms
generateDictionary.data.frame Generates dictionary of decisive terms
generateDictionary.DocumentTermMatrix Generates dictionary of decisive terms
generateDictionary.TermDocumentMatrix Generates dictionary of decisive terms
glmEstimation Estimation via generalized least squares
lassoEstimation Lasso estimation
lmEstimation Ordinary least squares estimation
loadDictionaryGI Loads Harvard-IV dictionary into object
loadDictionaryHE Loads Henry's finance-specific dictionary into object
loadDictionaryLM Loads Loughran-McDonald dictionary into object
loadDictionaryLM_Uncertainty Loads uncertainty words from Loughran-McDonald into object
loadDictionaryQDAP Loads polarity words from qdap package into object
loadImdb Retrieves IMDb dataset
lookupEstimationMethod Estimation method
ngram_tokenize N-gram tokenizer
numEntries Number of words in dictionary
numNegativeEntries Number of negative words in dictionary
numPositiveEntries Number of positive words in dictionary
plot.SentimentDictionaryWeighted KDE plot of estimated coefficients
plotSentiment Line plot with sentiment scores
plotSentimentResponse Scatterplot with trend line between sentiment and response
predict.SentimentDictionaryWeighted Prediction for given dictionary
preprocessCorpus Default preprocessing of corpus
print.SentimentDictionaryBinary Output content of sentiment dictionary
print.SentimentDictionaryWeighted Output content of sentiment dictionary
print.SentimentDictionaryWordlist Output content of sentiment dictionary
read Read dictionary from text file
ridgeEstimation Ridge estimation
ruleLinearModel Sentiment based on linear model
ruleNegativity Ratio of negative words
rulePositivity Ratio of positive words
ruleRatio Ratio of dictionary words
ruleSentiment Sentiment score
ruleSentimentPolarity Sentiment polarity score
ruleWordCount Counts word frequencies
SentimentDictionary Create new sentiment dictionary based on input
SentimentDictionaryBinary Create a sentiment dictionary of positive and negative words
SentimentDictionaryWeighted Create a sentiment dictionary of words linked to a score
SentimentDictionaryWordlist Create a sentiment dictionary consisting of a simple wordlist
spikeslabEstimation Spike-and-slab estimation
summary.SentimentDictionaryBinary Output summary information on sentiment dictionary
summary.SentimentDictionaryWeighted Output summary information on sentiment dictionary
summary.SentimentDictionaryWordlist Output summary information on sentiment dictionary
toDocumentTermMatrix Default preprocessing of corpus and conversion to document-term matrix
transformIntoCorpus Transforms the input into a Corpus object
write Write dictionary to text file
write.SentimentDictionaryBinary Write dictionary to text file
write.SentimentDictionaryWeighted Write dictionary to text file
write.SentimentDictionaryWordlist Write dictionary to text file