Sensus Analytics

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Documentation for package ‘SensusR’ version 2.3.1

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SensusR-package SensusR: Sensus Analytics
plot.AccelerometerDatum Plot accelerometer data.
plot.AltitudeDatum Plot altitude data.
plot.BatteryDatum Plot battery data.
plot.CellTowerDatum Plot cell tower data.
plot.CompassDatum Plot compass data.
plot.LightDatum Plot light data.
plot.LocationDatum Plot location data.
plot.ScreenDatum Plot screen data.
plot.SoundDatum Plot sound data.
plot.SpeedDatum Plot speed data.
plot.TelephonyDatum Plot telephony data.
plot.WlanDatum Plot WLAN data.
sensus.decompress.gz.files Decompresses JSON files downloaded from AWS S3.
sensus.decrypt.bin.files Decrypts Sensus .bin files that were encrypted using asymmetric public/private key encryption.
sensus.get.all.timestamp.lags Get timestamp lags for a Sensus data frame.
sensus.get.timestamp.lags Get timestamp lags for a Sensus datum.
sensus.get.unique.device.ids Gets unique device IDs within a dataset.
sensus.list.activities Lists activities in a given phase and state. Lists S3 buckets.
sensus.plot.lag.cdf Plot the CDF of inter-reading time lags. Read JSON-formatted Sensus data. Removes all data associated with a device ID from a data collection. Synchronizes data from Amazon S3 to a local path.
sensus.write.csv.files Write data to CSV files.
sensus.write.rdata.files Write data to rdata files.
SensusR SensusR: Sensus Analytics
trim Trim leading and trailing white space from a string.
trim.leading Trim leading white space from a string.
trim.trailing Trim trailing white space from a string.