fitDepCens {SemiPar.depCens}R Documentation

Fit Dependent Censoring Models


This function allows to estimate the dependency parameter along all other model parameters. First, estimates the cumulative hazard function, and then at the second stage it estimates other model parameters assuming that the cumulative hazard function is known. The details for implementing the dependent censoring methodology can be found in Deresa and Van Keilegom (2023).


  cop = c("Frank", "Gumbel", "Normal"),
  dist = c("Weibull", "lognormal"),
  start = NULL,
  n.iter = 20,
  bootstrap = TRUE,
  n.boot = 50,
  eps = 0.001



Data matrix with three columns; Z = the observed survival time, d1 = the censoring indicator of T and d2 = the censoring indicator of C.


Data matrix with covariates related to T.


Data matrix with covariates related to C. First column of W should be a vector of ones.


Which copula should be computed to account for dependency between T and C. This argument can take one of the values from c("Gumbel", "Frank", "Normal").


The distribution to be used for the censoring time C. Only two distributions are allowed, i.e, Weibull and lognormal distributions. With the value "Weibull" as the default.


Initial values for the finite dimensional parameters. If start is NULL, the initial values will be obtained by fitting a Cox model for survival time T and a Weibull model for dependent censoring C.


Number of iterations; the default is n.iter = 20. The larger the number of iterations, the longer the computational time.


A boolean indicating whether to compute bootstrap standard errors for making inferences.


Number of bootstrap samples to use in the estimation of bootstrap standard errors if bootstrap = TRUE. The default is n.boot = 50. But, higher values of n.boot are recommended for obtaining good estimates of bootstrap standard errors.


Convergence error. This is set by the user in such away that the desired convergence is met; the default is eps = 1e-3.


This function returns a fit of dependent censoring model; parameter estimates, estimate of the cumulative hazard function, bootstrap standard errors for finite-dimensional parameters, the nonparametric cumulative hazard function, etc.


Deresa and Van Keilegom (2023). Copula based Cox proportional hazards models for dependent censoring, Journal of the American Statistical Association (in press).


# Toy data example to illustrate implementation
n = 300
beta = c(0.5)
lambd = 0.35
eta = c(0.9,0.4)
X = cbind(rbinom(n,1,0.5))
W = cbind(rep(1,n),rbinom(n,1,0.5))
# generate dependency structure from Frank
frank.cop <- copula::frankCopula(param = 5,dim = 2)
U = copula::rCopula(n,frank.cop)
T1 = (-log(1-U[,1]))/(lambd*exp(X*beta))           # Survival time
T2 = (-log(1-U[,2]))^(1.1)*exp(W%*%eta)            # Censoring time
A = runif(n,0,15)                                  # administrative censoring time
Z = pmin(T1,T2,A)
d1 = as.numeric(Z==T1)
d2 = as.numeric(Z==T2)
resData = data.frame("Z" = Z,"d1" = d1, "d2" = d2)   # should be data frame
colnames(W) <- c("ones","cov1")
colnames(X) <- "cov.surv"

# Fit dependent censoring model

fit <- fitDepCens(resData = resData, X = X, W = W, bootstrap = FALSE)

# parameter estimates


# summary fit results

# plot cumulative hazard vs time

plot(fit$observedTime, fit$cumhazardFunction, type = "l",xlab = "Time",
ylab = "Estimated cumulative hazard function")

[Package SemiPar.depCens version 0.1.2 Index]