SemiCompRisks-package {SemiCompRisks}R Documentation

Algorithms for fitting parametric and semi-parametric models to semi-competing risks data / univariate survival data.


The package provides functions to perform the analysis of semi-competing risks or univariate survival data with either hazard regression (HReg) models or accelerated failure time (AFT) models. The framework is flexible in the sense that:
1) it can handle cluster-correlated or independent data;
2) the option to choose between parametric (Weibull) and semi-parametric (mixture of piecewise exponential) specification for baseline hazard function(s) is available;
3) for clustered data, the option to choose between parametric (multivariate Normal for semicompeting risks data, Normal for univariate survival data) and semi-parametric (Dirichlet process mixture) specification for random effects distribution is available;
4) for semi-competing risks data, the option to choose between Makov and semi-Makov model is available.


The package includes following functions:

BayesID_HReg Bayesian analysis of semi-competing risks data using HReg models
BayesID_AFT Bayesian analysis of semi-competing risks data using AFT models
BayesSurv_HReg Bayesian analysis of univariate survival data using HReg models
BayesSurv_AFT Bayesian analysis of univariate survival data using AFT models
FreqID_HReg Frequentist analysis of semi-competing risks data using HReg models
FreqSurv_HReg Frequentist analysis of univariate survival data using HReg models
initiate.startValues_HReg Initiating starting values for Bayesian estimations with HReg models
initiate.startValues_AFT Initiating starting values for Bayesian estimations with AFT models
simID Simulating semi-competing risks data under Weibull/Weibull-MVN model
simSurv Simulating survival data under Weibull/Weibull-Normal model
Package: SemiCompRisks
Type: Package
Version: 3.4
Date: 2021-2-2
License: GPL (>= 2)
LazyLoad: yes


Kyu Ha Lee, Catherine Lee, Danilo Alvares, and Sebastien Haneuse
Maintainer: Kyu Ha Lee <>


Lee, K. H., Haneuse, S., Schrag, D., and Dominici, F. (2015), Bayesian semiparametric analysis of semicompeting risks data: investigating hospital readmission after a pancreatic cancer diagnosis, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C, 64, 2, 253-273.

Lee, K. H., Dominici, F., Schrag, D., and Haneuse, S. (2016), Hierarchical models for semicompeting risks data with application to quality of end-of-life care for pancreatic cancer, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 111, 515, 1075-1095.

Lee, K. H., Rondeau, V., and Haneuse, S. (2017), Accelerated failure time models for semicompeting risks data in the presence of complex censoring, Biometrics, 73, 4, 1401-1412.

Alvares, D., Haneuse, S., Lee, C., Lee, K. H. (2019), SemiCompRisks: An R package for the analysis of independent and cluster-correlated semi-competing risks data, The R Journal, 11, 1, 376-400.

[Package SemiCompRisks version 3.4 Index]