BayesID_HReg {SemiCompRisks} | R Documentation |
The function to implement Bayesian parametric and semi-parametric analyses for semi-competing risks data in the context of hazard regression (HReg) models.
Independent/cluster-correlated semi-competing risks data can be analyzed using HReg models that have a hierarchical structure. The priors for baseline hazard functions can be specified by either parametric (Weibull) model or non-parametric mixture of piecewise exponential models (PEM). The option to choose between parametric multivariate normal (MVN) and non-parametric Dirichlet process mixture of multivariate normals (DPM) is available for the prior of cluster-specific random effects distribution. The conditional hazard function for time to the terminal event given time to non-terminal event can be modeled based on either Markov (it does not depend on the timing of the non-terminal event) or semi-Markov assumption (it does depend on the timing).
BayesID_HReg(Formula, data, id=NULL, model=c("semi-Markov", "Weibull"),
hyperParams, startValues, mcmcParams, na.action = "", subset=NULL, path=NULL)
Formula |
a |
data |
a data.frame in which to interpret the variables named in |
id |
a vector of cluster information for |
model |
a character vector that specifies the type of components in a model.
The first element is for the assumption on |
hyperParams |
a list containing lists or vectors for hyperparameter values in hierarchical models. Components include,
startValues |
a list containing vectors of starting values for model parameters. It can be specified as the object returned by the function |
mcmcParams |
a list containing variables required for MCMC sampling. Components include,
na.action |
how NAs are treated. See |
subset |
a specification of the rows to be used: defaults to all rows. See |
path |
the name of directory where the results are saved. |
We view the semi-competing risks data as arising from an underlying illness-death model system in which individuals may undergo one or more of three transitions: 1) from some initial condition to non-terminal event, 2) from some initial condition to terminal event, 3) from non-terminal event to terminal event. Let ,
denote time to non-terminal and terminal event from subject
in cluster
. The system of transitions is modeled via the specification of three hazard functions:
where is a subject-specific frailty and
) is a vector of cluster-specific random effects (each specific to one of the three possible transitions), taken to be independent of
, and
is an unspecified baseline hazard function and
is a vector of
log-hazard ratio regression parameters.
is assumed to be Markov with respect to
. We refer to the model specified by three conditional hazard functions as the Markov model.
An alternative specification is to model the risk of terminal event following non-terminal event as a function of the sojourn time. Specifically, retaining
as above,
we consider modeling
as follows:
We refer to this alternative model as the semi-Markov model.
For parametric MVN prior specification for a vector of cluster-specific random effects, we assume arise as i.i.d. draws from a mean 0 MVN distribution with variance-covariance matrix
. The diagonal elements of the
characterize variation across clusters in risk for non-terminal, terminal and terminal following non-terminal event, respectively, which is not explained by covariates included in the linear predictors. Specifically, the priors can be written as follows:
For DPM prior specification for , we consider non-parametric Dirichlet process mixture of MVN distributions: the
's are draws from a finite mixture of M multivariate Normal distributions, each with their own mean vector and variance-covariance matrix, (
) for
. Let
denote the specific component to which the
th cluster belongs. Since the class-specific (
) are unknown they are taken to be draws from some distribution,
, often referred to as the centering distribution. Furthermore, since the true class memberships are not known, we denote the probability that the
th cluster belongs to any given class by the vector
whose components add up to 1.0. In the absence of prior knowledge regarding the distribution of class memberships for the
clusters across the
classes, a natural prior for
is the conjugate symmetric
distribution; the hyperparameter,
, is often referred to as a the precision parameter. The prior can be represented as follows (
goes to infinity):
where is taken to be a multivariate Normal/inverse-Wishart (NIW) distribution for which the probability density function is the following product:
We consider as the prior for concentration parameter
For non-parametric PEM prior specification for baseline hazard functions, let denote the largest observed event time for each transition
Then, consider the finite partition of the relevant time axis into
disjoint intervals:
. For notational convenience, let
denote the
partition. For given a partition,
, we assume the log-baseline hazard functions is piecewise constant:
where is the indicator function and
. Note, this specification is general in that the partitions of the time axes differ across the three hazard functions. our prior choices are, for
Note that and
are treated as random and the priors for
jointly form a time-homogeneous Poisson process prior for the partition. The number of time splits and their positions are therefore updated within our computational scheme using reversible jump MCMC.
For parametric Weibull prior specification for baseline hazard functions, . In our Bayesian framework, our prior choices are, for
Our prior choice for remaining model parameters in all of four models (Weibull-MVN, Weibull-DPM, PEM-MVN, PEM-DPM) is given as follows:
We provide a detailed description of the hierarchical models for cluster-correlated semi-competing risks data. The models for independent semi-competing risks data can be obtained by removing cluster-specific random effects, , and its corresponding prior specification from the description given above.
returns an object of class Bayes_HReg
The posterior samples of and
are saved separately in
working directory/path
For a dataset with large ,
should be carefully specified considering the system memory and the storage capacity.
Kyu Ha Lee and Sebastien Haneuse
Maintainer: Kyu Ha Lee <>
Lee, K. H., Haneuse, S., Schrag, D., and Dominici, F. (2015),
Bayesian semiparametric analysis of semicompeting risks data:
investigating hospital readmission after a pancreatic cancer diagnosis, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C, 64, 2, 253-273.
Lee, K. H., Dominici, F., Schrag, D., and Haneuse, S. (2016),
Hierarchical models for semicompeting risks data with application to quality of end-of-life care for pancreatic cancer, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 111, 515, 1075-1095.
Alvares, D., Haneuse, S., Lee, C., Lee, K. H. (2019),
SemiCompRisks: An R package for the analysis of independent and cluster-correlated semi-competing risks data, The R Journal, 11, 1, 376-400.
See Also
, print.Bayes_HReg
, summary.Bayes_HReg
, predict.Bayes_HReg
## Not run:
# loading a data set
form <- Formula(time1 + event1 | time2 + event2 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 | x1 + x2 | x1 + x2)
## Hyperparameters ##
## Subject-specific frailty variance component
## - prior parameters for 1/theta
theta.ab <- c(0.7, 0.7)
## Weibull baseline hazard function: alphas, kappas
WB.ab1 <- c(0.5, 0.01) # prior parameters for alpha1
WB.ab2 <- c(0.5, 0.01) # prior parameters for alpha2
WB.ab3 <- c(0.5, 0.01) # prior parameters for alpha3
WB.cd1 <- c(0.5, 0.05) # prior parameters for kappa1
WB.cd2 <- c(0.5, 0.05) # prior parameters for kappa2
WB.cd3 <- c(0.5, 0.05) # prior parameters for kappa3
## PEM baseline hazard function
PEM.ab1 <- c(0.7, 0.7) # prior parameters for 1/sigma_1^2
PEM.ab2 <- c(0.7, 0.7) # prior parameters for 1/sigma_2^2
PEM.ab3 <- c(0.7, 0.7) # prior parameters for 1/sigma_3^2
PEM.alpha1 <- 10 # prior parameters for K1
PEM.alpha2 <- 10 # prior parameters for K2
PEM.alpha3 <- 10 # prior parameters for K3
## MVN cluster-specific random effects
Psi_v <- diag(1, 3)
rho_v <- 100
## DPM cluster-specific random effects
Psi0 <- diag(1, 3)
rho0 <- 10
aTau <- 1.5
bTau <- 0.0125
hyperParams <- list(theta=theta.ab,
WB=list(WB.ab1=WB.ab1, WB.ab2=WB.ab2, WB.ab3=WB.ab3,
WB.cd1=WB.cd1, WB.cd2=WB.cd2, WB.cd3=WB.cd3),
PEM=list(PEM.ab1=PEM.ab1, PEM.ab2=PEM.ab2, PEM.ab3=PEM.ab3,
PEM.alpha1=PEM.alpha1, PEM.alpha2=PEM.alpha2, PEM.alpha3=PEM.alpha3),
MVN=list(Psi_v=Psi_v, rho_v=rho_v),
DPM=list(Psi0=Psi0, rho0=rho0, aTau=aTau, bTau=bTau))
## Setting for the overall run
numReps <- 2000
thin <- 10
burninPerc <- 0.5
## Settings for storage
nGam_save <- 0
storeV <- rep(TRUE, 3)
## Tuning parameters for specific updates
## - those common to all models
mhProp_theta_var <- 0.05
mhProp_Vg_var <- c(0.05, 0.05, 0.05)
## - those specific to the Weibull specification of the baseline hazard functions
mhProp_alphag_var <- c(0.01, 0.01, 0.01)
## - those specific to the PEM specification of the baseline hazard functions
Cg <- c(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
delPertg <- c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
rj.scheme <- 1
Kg_max <- c(50, 50, 50)
sg_max <- c(max(scrData$time1[scrData$event1 == 1]),
max(scrData$time2[scrData$event1 == 0 & scrData$event2 == 1]),
max(scrData$time2[scrData$event1 == 1 & scrData$event2 == 1]))
time_lambda1 <- seq(1, sg_max[1], 1)
time_lambda2 <- seq(1, sg_max[2], 1)
time_lambda3 <- seq(1, sg_max[3], 1)
mcmc.WB <- list(run=list(numReps=numReps, thin=thin, burninPerc=burninPerc),
storage=list(nGam_save=nGam_save, storeV=storeV),
mhProp_Vg_var=mhProp_Vg_var, mhProp_alphag_var=mhProp_alphag_var))
mcmc.PEM <- list(run=list(numReps=numReps, thin=thin, burninPerc=burninPerc),
storage=list(nGam_save=nGam_save, storeV=storeV),
mhProp_Vg_var=mhProp_Vg_var, Cg=Cg, delPertg=delPertg,
rj.scheme=rj.scheme, Kg_max=Kg_max,
time_lambda1=time_lambda1, time_lambda2=time_lambda2,
## Starting Values ##
Sigma_V <- diag(0.1, 3)
Sigma_V[1,2] <- Sigma_V[2,1] <- -0.05
Sigma_V[1,3] <- Sigma_V[3,1] <- -0.06
Sigma_V[2,3] <- Sigma_V[3,2] <- 0.07
## Analysis of Independent Semi-Competing Risks Data ############
myModel <- c("semi-Markov", "Weibull")
myPath <- "Output/01-Results-WB/"
startValues <- initiate.startValues_HReg(form, scrData, model=myModel, nChain=2)
fit_WB <- BayesID_HReg(form, scrData, id=NULL, model=myModel,
hyperParams, startValues, mcmc.WB, path=myPath)
summ.fit_WB <- summary(fit_WB); names(summ.fit_WB)
pred_WB <- predict(fit_WB, tseq=seq(from=0, to=30, by=5))
plot(pred_WB, plot.est="Haz")
plot(pred_WB, plot.est="Surv")
## PEM ##
myModel <- c("semi-Markov", "PEM")
myPath <- "Output/02-Results-PEM/"
startValues <- initiate.startValues_HReg(form, scrData, model=myModel, nChain=2)
fit_PEM <- BayesID_HReg(form, scrData, id=NULL, model=myModel,
hyperParams, startValues, mcmc.PEM, path=myPath)
summ.fit_PEM <- summary(fit_PEM); names(summ.fit_PEM)
pred_PEM <- predict(fit_PEM)
plot(pred_PEM, plot.est="Haz")
plot(pred_PEM, plot.est="Surv")
## Analysis of Correlated Semi-Competing Risks Data #############
myModel <- c("semi-Markov", "Weibull", "MVN")
myPath <- "Output/03-Results-WB_MVN/"
startValues <- initiate.startValues_HReg(form, scrData, model=myModel, id, nChain=2)
fit_WB_MVN <- BayesID_HReg(form, scrData, id, model=myModel,
hyperParams, startValues, mcmc.WB, path=myPath)
summ.fit_WB_MVN <- summary(fit_WB_MVN); names(summ.fit_WB_MVN)
pred_WB_MVN <- predict(fit_WB_MVN, tseq=seq(from=0, to=30, by=5))
plot(pred_WB_MVN, plot.est="Haz")
plot(pred_WB_MVN, plot.est="Surv")
myModel <- c("semi-Markov", "Weibull", "DPM")
myPath <- "Output/04-Results-WB_DPM/"
startValues <- initiate.startValues_HReg(form, scrData, model=myModel, id, nChain=2)
fit_WB_DPM <- BayesID_HReg(form, scrData, id, model=myModel,
hyperParams, startValues, mcmc.WB, path=myPath)
summ.fit_WB_DPM <- summary(fit_WB_DPM); names(summ.fit_WB_DPM)
pred_WB_DPM <- predict(fit_WB_MVN, tseq=seq(from=0, to=30, by=5))
plot(pred_WB_DPM, plot.est="Haz")
plot(pred_WB_DPM, plot.est="Surv")
## PEM-MVN ##
myModel <- c("semi-Markov", "PEM", "MVN")
myPath <- "Output/05-Results-PEM_MVN/"
startValues <- initiate.startValues_HReg(form, scrData, model=myModel, id, nChain=2)
fit_PEM_MVN <- BayesID_HReg(form, scrData, id, model=myModel,
hyperParams, startValues, mcmc.PEM, path=myPath)
summ.fit_PEM_MVN <- summary(fit_PEM_MVN); names(summ.fit_PEM_MVN)
pred_PEM_MVN <- predict(fit_PEM_MVN)
plot(pred_PEM_MVN, plot.est="Haz")
plot(pred_PEM_MVN, plot.est="Surv")
## PEM-DPM ##
myModel <- c("semi-Markov", "PEM", "DPM")
myPath <- "Output/06-Results-PEM_DPM/"
startValues <- initiate.startValues_HReg(form, scrData, model=myModel, id, nChain=2)
fit_PEM_DPM <- BayesID_HReg(form, scrData, id, model=myModel,
hyperParams, startValues, mcmc.PEM, path=myPath)
summ.fit_PEM_DPM <- summary(fit_PEM_DPM); names(summ.fit_PEM_DPM)
pred_PEM_DPM <- predict(fit_PEM_DPM)
plot(pred_PEM_DPM, plot.est="Haz")
plot(pred_PEM_DPM, plot.est="Surv")
## End(Not run)