Seed Germination and Seedling Growth Indexes

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Documentation for package ‘SeedCalc’ version 1.0.0

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SeedCalc-package Seed germination and seedling growth indexes
CVG Velocity of Germination Coefficient
CVt Germination Time Coefficient of variation
FGP Final Percentage of Germination
GermCalc GermCalc Function
growth Seedling Growth Index
GSI Germination Speed Index
mean_pa Shoot Length
mean_raiz Root Length
mean_razao Ratio Root-Shoot Length
mean_total Seedling Length
MGR Mean Germination Rate
MGT Mean Germination Time
PlantCalc PlantCalc Function
SeedCalc Seed germination and seedling growth indexes
Sinc Germination Synchrony
T10 Time spent to 10 percent germination
T50 Time spent to 50 percent germination
T90 Time spent to 90 percent germination
Unc Germination Uncertainty
UnifG Germination Uniformity Index
unif_1 Seedling Uniformity Index
unif_2 Seedling Uniformity Index
VarGer Variance of Germination Time
vigor Seed Vigor Index
vigor_corr Seed Corrected Vigor Index