Validation of Seasonal Weather Forecasts

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Documentation for package ‘SeaVal’ version 1.1.1

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add_climatology Add climatology to a data table
add_country Same as add_country_names
add_country_names Add country names to a data table with lon/lat coordinates
add_tercile_cat Add a tercile-category column to a data table
add_tercile_probs Add tercile probabilities to ensemble forecasts
are_all_elements_within_eps Check if all elements of x are within tolerance eps of any element in y
by_cols_ens_fc_score Auxiliary function
by_cols_terc_fc_score Auxiliary function
by_cols_terc_fc_score_sp Auxiliary function
checks_ens_fc_score Auxiliary function for scores of ensemble forecasts.
checks_terc_fc_score Auxiliary function for scores for tercile forecasts.
chirps_dir CHIRPS directory
chirps_monthly Monthly mean precipitation
chirps_ver_map_quantiles Calculates and saves the quantiles of CHIRPS data required for verification maps.
climatology_ens_forecast Returns a leave-one-year-out climatology-based ensemble forecast
climatology_threshold_exceedence Get climatological prediction for exceedence probabilities.
combine Combine two data tables
complete_regular_grid Expand Regular Spatial Grid
CPA Coefficients of Predictive Ability
create_diagram_by_level Auxiliary function to simplify grouping for diagrams
CRPS Continuous Ranked Probability Score
CRPSS Continuous Ranked Probability Skill Score
crps_aux Auxiliary function for calculating crps.
crps_aux_esc Auxiliary function for calculating crps with ensemble size correction by Ferro et al. 2008.
data_dir Auxiliary function to access and change the directory used to load and save data.
delete_redundant_files Auxiliary function cleaning out the directories, called at the end of the CHIRPS download.
dimvars Get dimension variables
disc_score_dt Generalized Discrimination score
DISS Generalized discrimination score
download_chirps_monthly Download monthly CHIRPS-data
download_chirps_monthly_high Auxiliary function called by download_chirps_monthly
download_chirps_monthly_low Auxiliary function called by download_chirps_monthly
download_chirps_prelim_aux Auxiliary function for downloading the preliminary CHIRPS monthly data
dt_to_netcdf Write a netcdf from a long data table
EA_country_names Get names of countries in east Africa
ecmwf_monthly Monthly mean precipitation forecast example dataset
EIR Effective Interest Rate
fc_cols Forecast column names
get_mask Function to create a mask of dry regions from CHIRPS
get_quantiles Calculate quantiles from a data table
get_terciles get terciles from a data table
ggplot_dt plotting function for spatial data
ggplot_dt_gha_map Plotting function with different map for Greater Horn of Africa
ggplot_dt_shf Plotting function with different map for Greater Horn of Africa
GHA_extent GHA-bounding-box
gha_plot Plotting function with different map for Greater Horn of Africa
grid_info Retrieve spatial grid information from a data table
HS Hit score
HSS Hit Skill Score
IGS Ignorance Score
IGSS Ignorance Skill score
indicator_times_value_aux Auxiliary function for multiplying two numbers such that 0 x infty is 0. Needed for the ignorance score: 0log(0) should be 0.
load_chirps Function for loading CHIRPS (monthly) data.
MB Multicategory Brier score
MBS Multicategory Brier Skill score
MSD_to_YM Converts time given as 'months since date' (MSD) into years and months (YM)
MSE Mean Square Error of ensemble forecasts.
MSES Mean Square Error Skill score
netcdf_to_dt function for converting netcdfs to long data tables.
obs_cols Observation column names
obs_dimvars Auxiliary function returning observation dimvars.
PCC Pearson Correlation Coefficient
profit_graph (Accumulative) profit graphs
REL Reliability score
rel_diag Reliability Diagrams for tercile forecasts
rel_diag_vec Reliability diagram from vectors of probabilities and observations
RES Resolution score
restrict_to_confer_region restricts data to the Greater Horn of Africa
restrict_to_country restricts data to a specified country
restrict_to_GHA restricts data to the Greater Horn of Africa
ROCS ROC-score/Area Under Curve(AUC)
ROC_curve ROC curve for tercile forecasts
roc_curve_vec ROC curves
roc_score_vec ROC score (AUC)
round_probs auxiliary function for rounding probabilities
RPS Ranked Probability score
RPSS Ranked Probability skill score
run_dimension_check_ens_fc_score Auxiliary Function
run_dimension_check_terc_forecast Auxiliary Function
set_spatial_grid Set Spatial Grid Attributes to a Data Table
space_dimvars Auxiliary function
SRC Compute the slope of the reliability curve
tc_cols Tercile column names
tendency_diag Tendency diagram from a data table containing tercile forecasts.
tercile_plot Function for plotting terciles
tfc_from_efc Get tercile probability forecast from ensemble forecasts
time_dimvars Auxiliary function
upscale_chirps Upscales monthly CHIRPS data to a coarser grid
upscale_regular_lon_lat Function for matching data between different grids
ver_map Plot a verification map of percentiles
ver_map_chirps Plot a verification map of percentiles based on precomputed CHIRPS quantiles.