bsm_bc {SeBR} | R Documentation |
Bayesian spline model with a Box-Cox transformation
MCMC sampling for Bayesian spline regression with a (known or unknown) Box-Cox transformation.
x = NULL,
x_test = NULL,
psi = NULL,
lambda = NULL,
sample_lambda = TRUE,
nsave = 1000,
nburn = 1000,
nskip = 0,
verbose = TRUE
y |
x |
x_test |
psi |
prior variance (inverse smoothing parameter); if NULL, sample this parameter |
lambda |
Box-Cox transformation; if NULL, estimate this parameter |
sample_lambda |
logical; if TRUE, sample lambda, otherwise use the fixed value of lambda above or the MLE (if lambda unspecified) |
nsave |
number of MCMC iterations to save |
nburn |
number of MCMC iterations to discard |
nskip |
number of MCMC iterations to skip between saving iterations, i.e., save every (nskip + 1)th draw |
verbose |
logical; if TRUE, print time remaining |
This function provides fully Bayesian inference for a
transformed spline model via MCMC sampling. The transformation is
parametric from the Box-Cox family, which has one parameter lambda
That parameter may be fixed in advanced or learned from the data.
a list with the following elements:
the posterior mean of the regression coefficients -
the posterior predictive mean at the test pointsx_test
:nsave x p
samples from the posterior distribution of the regression coefficients -
:nsave x n_test
samples from the posterior predictive distribution atx_test
posterior samples of the transformation evaluated at the uniquey
values -
posterior samples of lambda -
: the model fit (here,sbsm_bc
as well as the arguments passed in.
Box-Cox transformations may be useful in some cases, but
in general we recommend the nonparametric transformation (with
Monte Carlo, not MCMC sampling) in sbsm
# Simulate some data:
n = 100 # sample size
x = sort(runif(n)) # observation points
# Transform a noisy, periodic function:
y = g_inv_bc(
sin(2*pi*x) + sin(4*pi*x) + rnorm(n, sd = .5),
lambda = .5) # Signed square-root transformation
# Fit the Bayesian spline model with a Box-Cox transformation:
fit = bsm_bc(y = y, x = x)
names(fit) # what is returned
round(quantile(fit$post_lambda), 3) # summary of unknown Box-Cox parameter
# Plot the model predictions (point and interval estimates):
pi_y = t(apply(fit$post_ypred, 2, quantile, c(0.05, .95))) # 90% PI
plot(x, y, type='n', ylim = range(pi_y,y),
xlab = 'x', ylab = 'y', main = paste('Fitted values and prediction intervals'))
polygon(c(x, rev(x)),c(pi_y[,2], rev(pi_y[,1])),col='gray', border=NA)
lines(x, y, type='p')
lines(x, fitted(fit), lwd = 3)