The Scott-Knott Effect Size Difference (ESD) Test

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Documentation for package ‘ScottKnottESD’ version 2.0.3

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ScottKnottESD-package The Scott-Knott Effect Size Difference (ESD) Test
"check.ANOVA.assumptions" Check basic ANOVA assumptions
"long2wide" Convert data from long format to wide format
"normalize" Normalize non-normal distributions using the Box-Cox Power Transformation
check.ANOVA.assumptions Check basic ANOVA assumptions
checkDifference A function to check the magnitude of the difference for all pairs of treatments
example An example dataset of Breiman's variable importance scores
long2wide Convert data from long format to wide format
maven An example dataset of Breiman's variable importance scores
normalize Normalize non-normal distributions using the Box-Cox Power Transformation
print.sk_esd Print sk_esd objects
ScottKnottESD The Scott-Knott Effect Size Difference (ESD) Test
SK.ESD A function to check the magnitude of the difference for all pairs of treatments
sk_esd A function to check the magnitude of the difference for all pairs of treatments