Util_DB_MIUR_num {SchoolDataIT}R Documentation

Convert the raw school buildings data to numeric or Boolean variables


This function transforms the output variables of the Get_DB_MIUR into Boolean or Numeric. Additionally, it removes the columns with an excessive number of missing observations (20.000 by default), and if required it may also delete the rows including missing fields. In this case, it is possible to keep track of the deleted rows.


  data = NULL,
  include_numerics = TRUE,
  include_qualitatives = FALSE,
  row_cutout = FALSE,
  track_deleted = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  col_cut_thresh = 20000,
  flag_outliers = TRUE,
  autoAbort = FALSE,



Object of class tbl_df, tbl and data.frame. Input data obtaned through the function Get_DB_MIUR. If NULL it will be downloaded automatically with the appropriate arguments, but not saved in the global environment. NULL by default.


Logical. Whether to include strictly numeric variables alongside with Boolean ones. TRUE by default.


Logical. Whether to include qualitative variables alongside with Boolean ones. FALSE by default.


Logical. Whether to filter out rows including missing fields. FALSE by default.


Logical. If TRUE, the function returns the names of the school not included in the output dataframe. TRUE by default.


Logical. If TRUE, the user keeps track of the main underlying operations. TRUE by default.


Numeric. The threshold of missing values allowed for each variable. If a variable as a higher number of missing observations, then it is cut out. 20.000 by default. Warning: if the option row_cutout is active, please select a lower threshold (e.g. 1000)


Logical. Whether to assign NA to outliers in numeric variables. TRUE by default.


Logical. In case any data must be retrieved, whether to automatically abort the operation and return NULL in case of missing internet connection or server response errors. FALSE by default.


Additional arguments to the function Get_DB_MIUR if data is not provided.


The outliers to be set to NA if flag_outliers is active are defined as follows: School area or free area surface of less than 50 squared meters, building volume of less than 150 cubic meters, 0 floors in the building.


If track_deleted == TRUE, An object of class list including two objects:

If track_deleted == FALSE, the output is only the first element of the list.



DB23_MIUR_num <- example_input_DB23_MIUR %>% Util_DB_MIUR_num(track_deleted = FALSE)

DB23_MIUR_num[, -c(1,4,6,8,9,10)]

[Package SchoolDataIT version 0.2.0 Index]