Tools for Population Health Management Analytics

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Documentation for package ‘SangerTools’ version 1.0.2

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age_bandizer Age Band Creation: Create a new column of 5 year Age Bands from an integer column
age_bandizer_2 Create age bands from a numerical column
categorical_col_chart Plot Counts of Categorical Variables
cohort_processing Patient Cohort Re-Identification Processing
crude_rates Crude Prevalence Calculator
df_to_sql Dataframe to SQL
excel_clip Dataframe or Tibble to Clipboard
master_patient_index Master Patient Index
multiple_csv_reader Read Multiple CSV files into R
multiple_excel_reader Read Multiple Excel files into R
PopHealthData PopHealthData - Population health data for testing functions
scale_fill_sanger Branded discrete colour scale
show_brand_palette Brand Colour Palette
show_extended_palette Extended Brand Colour Palette
split_and_save Split & Save
standardised_rates_df Standardised Prevalence Rates.
theme_sanger Customised ggplot2 Theme
uk_pop_standard Data set of 2018 UK Population