Helper Tools for Australian Hydrologists

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Documentation for package ‘SWTools’ version 1.0.1

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SWTools-package SWTools: Helper Tools for Australian Hydrologists
AQWPDownload Function to download data from
AQWPLoad Function to load in an Aquarius json file, downloaded from, possibly using AWQPDownload()
read_res.csv Function to import a Source .res.csv File Returns data (as a Data Frame, Zoo, or tibble) as a time Series with all Results Read Source .res.csv file into a data table or zoo time series
SILOCheckConsistency Check for homogeneity between SILO rainfall station data
SILOCorrectSite Correct a slope change in a rainfall data set based on another site
SILOCumulativeDeviation Plot the cumulative deviation from the mean for each silo station on one plot
SILODoubleMass Plot double mass curves of each rainfall site against each other
SILODownload Download SILO data
SILOImport Import a SILO file
SILOLoad Import multiple SILO files
SILOMap Plot a map of the SILO station locations
SILOMonthlyRainfall Plot a boxplot of monthly rainfall with mean monthly evaporation
SILOMortonQualityCodes Plot the quality codes of the input data for Morton's Evap calculations
SILOQualityCodes Plot the quality codes of the SILO rainfall data
SILOReport Write SILO data report to word document. The report includes output from SILOSiteSummary(), SILOQualityCodes(), SILOMortonQualityCodes(). SILOMap(), SILOMonthlyRainfall(), SILOCumulativeDeviation() and SILODoubleMass().
SILOSitesfromPolygon Find SILO sites within a polygon
SILOSiteSummary Produce a table summarising SILO sites
SILOThiessenShp Function to generate Thiessen polygons from SILO sites
SILOWriteforSource Write a SILO time series to a csv file in the format expected by eWater Source
SILOWriteFunctionsforSource Function to bulk create functions for SILO data in Source.
SWTools SWTools: Helper Tools for Australian Hydrologists
VeneerGetInputSets Get vector of InputSets
VeneerGetNodesbyType Get a vector of node names for a given type
VeneerGetPiecewise Get data from a Source piecewise table using Veneer
VeneerGetTS Get a time series result from Source using Veneer
VeneerGetTSbyNode Get all time series recorded in Source for a given node
VeneerGetTSbyVariable Get all time series recorded in Source of a given variable type
VeneerGetTSVariables Get a vector of the type of time series variables recorded
VeneerlatestRunNumber Get the number of the latest run
VeneerRunSource Run Source using Veneer
VeneerSetFunction Update a function value or expression. Function must exist before being updated.
VeneerSetPiecewise Change a Source piecewise table using Veneer
WritepwtoIS Write an input set line for a piecewise lookup table from a csv file