Scenario Weights for Importance Measurement

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Documentation for package ‘SWIM’ version 1.0.0

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cdf Distribution Function of a Stressed Model
cdf_stressed Empirical Distribution Function of a Stressed Model
convert_SWIMw_to_SWIM Convert SWIMw to SWIM
cor_stressed Correlation of a Stressed Model
credit_data Credit data set
ES_stressed Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall of a Stressed Model
get_data Extracting from a Stressed Model
get_specs Extracting from a Stressed Model
get_weights Extracting from a Stressed Model
get_weightsfun Extracting from a Stressed Model
importance_rank Importance Ranking for a Stressed Model
mean_stressed Mean of a Stressed Model
merge.SWIM Merging Two Stressed Models
merge.SWIMw Merging Two Stressed Models
plot_cdf Plotting the Distribution Functions of a Stressed Model
plot_hist Plotting Histograms of a Stressed Model
plot_quantile Plotting Quantile Functions of a Stressed Model
plot_sensitivity Plotting Sensitivities of a Stressed Model
plot_weights Plotting the scenario weights of a Stressed Model
quantile_stressed Sample Quantiles of a Stressed Model
rename Rename Stressed Models
sd_stressed Standard Deviation and Variance of a Stressed Model
sensitivity Sensitivities of a Stressed Model
stress Stressing Random Variables
stress_HARA_RM_w Stressing Risk Measure and HARA Utility
stress_mean Stressing Means
stress_mean_sd Stressing Mean and Standard Deviation
stress_mean_sd_w Stressing Mean and Standard Deviation
stress_mean_w Stressing Mean
stress_moment Stressing Moments
stress_prob Stressing Intervals
stress_RM_mean_sd_w Stressing Risk Measure, Mean and Standard Deviation
stress_RM_w Stressing Risk Measure
stress_user User Defined Stress
stress_VaR Stressing Value-at-Risk
stress_VaR_ES Stressing Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall
stress_wass Stressing Random Variables Using Wasserstein Distance
summary.SWIM Summarising Stressed Models
summary.SWIMw Summarising Stressed Models
summary_weights Extracting from a Stressed Model
SWIM SWIM: A Package for Sensitivity Analysis
VaR_stressed Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall of a Stressed Model
var_stressed Standard Deviation and Variance of a Stressed Model