DNF.dynamicsSVM {SVDNF}R Documentation

Discrete Nonlinear Filtering Algorithm for Stochastic Volatility Models


The DNF function applies the discrete nonlinear filter (DNF) of Kitagawa (1987) as per the implementation of Bégin & Boudreault (2020) to obtain likelihood evaluations and filtering distribution estimates for a wide class of stochastic volatility models.


## S3 method for class 'dynamicsSVM'
DNF(dynamics, data, N = 50, K = 20, R = 1, grids, ...)



A dynamicsSVM object representing the model dynamics to be used by the DNF.


A series of asset returns for which we want to run the DNF.


Number of nodes in the variance grid.


Number of nodes in the jump size grid.


Maximum number of jumps used in the numerical integration at each timestep.


Grids to be used for numerical integration by the DNF function. The DNF function creates grids for built-in models. However, this arguments must be provided for custom models. It should contain a list of three sequences: var_mid_points (variance mid-point sequence), j_nums (sequence for the number of jumps), and jump_mid_points (jump mid-point sequence). If there are no variance jumps in the model, set jump_mid_points equal to zero. If there are no jumps in the model, both j_nums and jump_mid_points should be set to zero.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods.



Log-likelihood evaluation based on the DNF.


Grid of dimensions N by T+1 that stores each time-step's filtering distributions (we assume the filtering distribution is uniform at t=0t = 0).


Likelihood contribution at each time-step throughout the series.


List of grids used for numerical integration by the DNF.


The model dynamics used by the DNF.


The series of asset returns to which the DNF was applied.


Bégin, J.F., Boudreault, M. (2021) Likelihood evaluation of jump-diffusion models using deterministic nonlinear filters. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 30(2), 452–466.

Kitagawa, G. (1987) Non-Gaussian state-space modeling of nonstationary time series. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 82(400), 1032–1041.


# Generate 200 returns from the DuffiePanSingleton model
DuffiePanSingleton_mod <- dynamicsSVM(model = "DuffiePanSingleton") 
DuffiePanSingleton_sim <- modelSim(t = 200, dynamics = DuffiePanSingleton_mod) 

# Run DNF on the data
dnf_filter <- DNF(data = DuffiePanSingleton_sim$returns,
  dynamics = DuffiePanSingleton_mod) 

# Print log-likelihood evaluation.

# Using a custom model.
# Here, we define the DuffiePanSingleton model as a custom model
# to get the same log-likelihood found using the built-in option

# Daily observations
h <- 1/252

# Parameter values 
mu <- 0.038; kappa <- 3.689; theta <- 0.032
sigma <- 0.446; rho <- -0.745; omega <- 5.125
delta <- 0.03; alpha <- -0.014; rho_z <- -1.809; nu <- 0.004

# Jump compensator
alpha_bar <- exp(alpha + 0.5 * delta^2) / (1 - rho_z * nu) - 1

# Returns drift and diffusion
mu_y <- function(x, mu, alpha_bar, omega, h) {
  return(h * (mu - x / 2 - alpha_bar * omega))
mu_y_params <- list(mu, alpha_bar, omega, h)
sigma_y <- function(x, h) {
  return(sqrt(h * pmax(x, 0)))
sigma_y_params <- list(h)

# Volatility factor drift and diffusion
mu_x <- function(x, kappa, theta, h) {
  return(x + h * kappa * (theta - pmax(0, x)))
mu_x_params <- list(kappa, theta, h)

sigma_x <- function(x, sigma, h) {
  return(sigma * sqrt(h * pmax(x, 0)))
sigma_x_params <- list(sigma, h)

# Jump distribution for the DuffiePanSingleton Model
jump_density <- dpois
jump_dist <- rpois
jump_params <- c(h * omega)

# Create the custom model
custom_mod <- dynamicsSVM(model = 'Custom',
  mu_x = mu_x, mu_y = mu_y, sigma_x = sigma_x, sigma_y = sigma_y,
  mu_x_params = mu_x_params, mu_y_params = mu_y_params,
  sigma_x_params = sigma_x_params, sigma_y_params = sigma_y_params,
  jump_params = jump_params, jump_dist = jump_dist, jump_density = jump_density,
  nu = nu, rho_z = rho_z, rho = rho)
# Define the grid for DNF
N <- 50; R <- 1; K <- 20
var_mid_points <- seq(from = sqrt(0.0000001),
  to = sqrt(theta + (3 + log(N)) * sqrt(0.5 * theta * sigma^2 / kappa)), length = N)^2
j_nums <- seq(from = 0, to = R, by = 1)

jump_mid_points <- seq(from = 0.000001, to = (3 + log(K)) * sqrt(R) * nu, length = K)

grids <- list(var_mid_points = var_mid_points,
  j_nums = j_nums, jump_mid_points = jump_mid_points)

# Run the DNF function with the custom model
dnf_custom <- DNF(data = DuffiePanSingleton_sim$returns, grids = grids, 
  dynamics = custom_mod)
# Check if we get the same log-likelihoods
dnf_custom$log_likelihood; dnf_filter$log_likelihood 

[Package SVDNF version 0.1.8 Index]