validateBallots {STV}R Documentation

Validates Input Data Format for stv().


The function validateBallots validates data format for stv() input. It assumes that each row corresponds to a ballot and each column corresponds to a candidate. If input data is in the correct format, validateBallots returns string: "All tests passed. Please feel free to run stv() function." Otherwise, it prints a message corresponding to the formatting error.





a data.frame with rows as ballots and columns as candidates.


The validateBallots function should be run before stv() is called. Before any calculation, stv() calls this function and proceeds only if x passes all of the following tests.

  1. If x is a data.frame.

  2. If x has unique column names.

  3. If x has numeric entries.

  4. If x doesn't have any blank columns.

  5. If x doesn't have any blank rows.

  6. If x doesn't have any rows with non-sequential ranks.


string: "All tests passed. Please feel free to run stv() function." if x passes all tests. Otherwise, a message corresponding to the problem is retunred. NOTE: Some of the warnings can be fixed using cleanBallots() function. Other issues must be fixed by the user.


result <- try(validateBallots(ballots), silent=TRUE)

[Package STV version 1.0.2 Index]