CRITERIA {STPGA} | R Documentation |
Optimality Criteria
These are some default design criteria to be minimized. There is a table in the details section that gives the formula for each design criterion and describes their usage. Note that the inputs for these functions come in 3 syntax flavors, namely Type-X, Type-D and Type-K. Users can define and use their owm design criteria as long as it has the Type-X syntax as shown with the examples.
AOPT(Train, Test, P, lambda = 1e-05, C=NULL)
CDMAX(Train, Test, P, lambda = 1e-05, C=NULL)
CDMAX0(Train, Test, P, lambda = 1e-05, C=NULL)
CDMAX2(Train, Test, P, lambda = 1e-05, C=NULL)
CDMEAN(Train, Test, P, lambda = 1e-05, C=NULL)
CDMEAN0(Train, Test, P, lambda = 1e-05, C=NULL)
CDMEAN2(Train, Test, P, lambda = 1e-05, C=NULL)
CDMEANMM(Train, Test, Kinv,K, lambda = 1e-05, C=NULL, Vg=NULL, Ve=NULL)
DOPT(Train, Test, P, lambda = 1e-05, C=NULL)
EOPT(Train, Test, P, lambda = 1e-05, C=NULL)
GAUSSMEANMM(Train, Test, Kinv, K, lambda = 1e-05, C=NULL, Vg=NULL, Ve=NULL)
GOPTPEV(Train, Test, P, lambda = 1e-05, C=NULL)
GOPTPEV2(Train, Test, P, lambda = 1e-05, C=NULL)
PEVMAX(Train, Test, P, lambda = 1e-05, C=NULL)
PEVMAX0(Train, Test, P, lambda = 1e-05, C=NULL)
PEVMAX2(Train, Test, P, lambda = 1e-05, C=NULL)
PEVMEAN(Train, Test, P, lambda = 1e-05, C=NULL)
PEVMEAN0(Train, Test, P, lambda = 1e-05, C=NULL)
PEVMEAN2(Train, Test, P, lambda = 1e-05, C=NULL)
PEVMEANMM(Train, Test, Kinv,K, lambda = 1e-05, C=NULL, Vg=NULL, Ve=NULL)
dist_to_test(Train, Test, Dst, lambda, C)
dist_to_test2(Train, Test, Dst, lambda, C)
neg_dist_in_train(Train, Test, Dst, lambda, C)
neg_dist_in_train2(Train, Test, Dst, lambda, C)
Train |
vector of identifiers for individuals in the training set
Test |
vector of identifiers for individuals in the test set
P |
(Only for Type-X)
n×k matrix of the first PCs of the predictor variables. The matrix needs to have union of the identifiers of the candidate and test individuals as rownames.
Dst |
(Only for Type-D)
n×n symmetric distance matrix with row and column names.
Kinv |
(Only for Type-K)
n×n symmetric matrix (inverse of the relationship matrix K between n individuals) with row and column names.
K |
(Only for Type-K)
n×n symmetric matrix (the relationship matrix K between n individuals).
lambda |
scalar shrinkage parameter (λ>0 ).
C |
Contrast Matrix.
Vg |
(Only for PEVMEANMM)
covariance matrix between traits generated by the relationship K (multi-trait version).
Ve |
(Only for PEVMEANMM)
residual covariance matrix for the traits (multi-trait version).
criterion name | formula | Type |
AOPT | trace[C(PTrain′PTrain+lambda∗I)−1C′] | X |
| | |
CDMAX | max[diag(CPTest(PTrain′PTrain+lambda∗I)−1PTest′C′)/ | X |
| diag(CPTestPTest′C′)] | |
CDMAX0 | max[diag(CPTrain(PTrain′PTrain+lambda∗I)−1PTrain′C′)/ | X |
| diag(CPTrainPTrain′C′)] | |
CDMAX2 | max[diag(CPTest(PTrain′PTrain+lambda∗I)−1PTrain′PTrain | X |
| (PTrain′PTrain+lambda∗I)−1PTest′C′)/diag(CPTestPTest′C′)] | |
CDMEAN | mean[diag(CPTest(PTrain′PTrain+lambda∗I)−1PTest′C′)/ | X |
| diag(CPTestPTest′C′)] | |
CDMEAN0 | mean[diag(CPTrain(PTrain′PTrain+lambda∗I)−1PTrain′C′)/ | X |
| diag(CPTrainPTrain′C′)] | |
CDMEAN2 | mean[diag(CPTest(PTrain′PTrain+lambda∗I)−1PTrain′PTrain | X |
| (PTrain′PTrain+lambda∗I)−1PTest′C′)/diag(CPTestPTest′C′)] | |
CDMEANMM | −mean[diag(CZTest(K−lambda∗(ZTrain′MZTrain+λ∗Kinv)−1ZTest′C′)/ | K |
| (diag(CZTestKZTest′C′))] | |
DOPT | logdet(C(PTrain′PTrain+lambda∗I))−1C′ | X |
| | |
EOPT | max(eigenval(C(PTrain′PTrain+lambda∗I))−1C′)) | X |
| | |
GAUSSMEANMM | −mean(diag(ZTestKZTest′− | K |
| ZTestKZTrain′(ZTrainKZTrain′+λ∗Intrain)−1ZTrainKZTest′) | |
GOPTPEV | max(eigenval(CPTest(PTrain′PTrain+λ∗Intrain)−1PTest′C′)) | X |
| | |
GOPTPEV2 | mean(eigenval(CPTest(PTrain′PTrain+λ∗Intrain)−1PTest′C′)) | X |
| | |
PEVMAX | max(diag(CPTest(PTrain′PTrain+lambda∗I)−1PTest′C′)) | X |
| | |
PEVMAX0 | max(diag(CPTrain(PTrain′PTrain+lambda∗I)−1PTrain′C′)) | X |
| | |
PEVMAX2 | max[diag(CPTest(PTrain′PTrain+lambda∗I)−1PTrain′PTrain | X |
| (PTrain′PTrain+lambda∗I)−1PTest′C′] | |
PEVMEAN | mean(diag(CPTest(PTrain′PTrain+lambda∗I)−1PTest′C′)) | X |
| | |
PEVMEAN0 | mean(diag(CPTrain(PTrain′PTrain+lambda∗I)−1PTrain′C′)) | X |
| | |
PEVMEAN2 | mean[diag(CPTest(PTrain′PTrain+lambda∗I)−1 | X |
| PTrain′PTrain(PTrain′PTrain+lambda∗I)−1PTest′C′] | |
PEVMEANMM | mean(diag(CZtest(Ztrain′MZtrain+lambda∗Kinv)−1Ztest′C′))) | K |
dist_to_test | maximum distance from training set to test set based on Dst | D |
dist_to_test2 | mean distance from training set to test set based on Dst | D |
neg_dist_in_train | negative of minimum distance between pairs in the training set based on Dst | D |
neg_dist_in_train2 | negative of mean distance between distinct pairs in the training set based on Dst | D |
| | |
value of the criterion.
Deniz Akdemir
## Not run:
#Examples to new criterion:
#1- PEVmax
STPGAUSERFUNC<-function(Train,Test, P, lambda=1e-6, C=NULL){
if (length(Test)==1){PTest=matrix(PTest, nrow=1)}
if (!is.null(C)){ PTest<-C%*%PTest}
######Here is an example of usage
#We will try to estimate petal width from
#variables sepal length and width and petal length.
rownames(distX)<-colnames(distX)<-rownames(X)<-paste(iris[,5],rep(1:50,3),sep="_" )
#test data 25 iris plants selected at random from the virginica family,
#candidates are the plants in the setosa and versicolor families.
test<-sample(setdiff(rownames(X),candidates), 25)
#want to select 25 examples using the criterion defined in STPGAUSERFUNC
#Increase niterations and npop substantially for better convergence.
nelite=5, mutprob=.8, niterations=30,
lambda=1e-5, errorstat="STPGAUSERFUNC", plotiters=TRUE)
## End(Not run)
STPGA version 5.2.1