Simultaneous Tolerance Bounds

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Documentation for package ‘STB’ version 0.6.5

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STB-package (S)imultaneous (T)olerance (B)ounds
fastSTB Simultaneous Tolerance Bands Using a Fast C-Implementation.
getSTB Load/unload C-lib. Simultaneous Tolerance Bands Using R-Implementation.
plot.STB Plot Objects of Class 'STB'.
plot.stbVCA Plot Objects of Class 'stbVCA'.
rankSTB Rank-Based Algorithm for Computing 100(1-alpha)% Simulataneous Tolerance Bounds.
SASquantile Implements SAS-quantile Calculation (PCTLDEF=5) as Described by SAS-Help.
STB (S)imultaneous (T)olerance (B)ounds
stb Generic Method for computing Simultaneous Tolerance Bounds (bands and intervals) for fitted models or numeric vectors.
stb.default Simultaneous Tolerance Bands (STB).
stb.VCA Simultaneous Tolerance Bounds on Residuals and Random Effects for 'VCA' Objects.