percentile.exact {STAND}R Documentation

Estimate of Xp and Exact Confidence Limits for Normal/Lognormal


Calculate estimate of Xp the 100*p percentile of the normal/lognormal distribution, and the lower and upper 100*γ\gamma% exact confidence limits. The resulting interval (Xp.LCL,Xp.UCL) is an approximate 100(2γ1)100*(2\gamma - 1) percent confidence interval for Xp the 100*p percentile. This function should only be used for complete samples.


percentile.exact(x, p = 0.95, gam = 0.95,logx=TRUE,wpnt=FALSE)



vector of positive data values


probability for Xp the 100pth percentile. Default is 0.95


one-sided confidence level γ\gamma. Default 0.95


If TRUE, sample is from lognormal, else normal. Default is TRUE


if TRUE, show warning from pnt. Default is FALSEFALSE


A point estimate of Xp, the 100pth percentile of a normal/lognormal distribution is calculated. Exact confidence limits for Xp are calculated using the quantile function of the non-central t distribution. The exact UCL is m+Ksm + K*s, where mm is the sample mean, ss is the sample standard deviation, and the KfactorK factor depends on n,p,n, p, and γ\gamma. The exact LCL is m+Ksm + K'*s. The local function kf calculates KK and KK' using the quantile function of the non-central t distribution qt.

The null hypothesis Ho:XpLpHo: Xp \ge Lp is rejected at the α=(1γ)\alpha = (1- \gamma ) significance level if the 100γ%100\gamma\% UCL for Xp is less than the specified limit Lp (indicating the exposure profile is acceptable).


A LIST with components:


estimate of the pth percentile of the distribution


100γ100*\gamma% exact lower confidence limit for Xp


100γ100*\gamma% exact upper confidence limit for Xp


probability for Xp the 100pth percentile. Default 0.95


one-sided confidence level γ\gamma. Default is 0.95


If TRUE, sample is from lognormal, else normal. Default is TRUE


sample size


the K factor used to calculate the exact UCL


the K' factor used to calculate the exact LCL


The UCL is also referred to as an upper tolerance limit, i.e., if p = 0.95 and γ\gamma = 0.99 then Xpe.UCL is the exact UTL 95% - 99%.


E. L. Frome


Burrows, G. L. (1963), "Statistical Tolerance Limits - What are They," Applied Statistics, 12, 133-144.

Johnson, N. L. and B. L. Welch (1940), "Application of the Non-Central t-Distribution," Biometrika, 31(3/4), 362-389.

Lyles R. H. and L. L. Kupper (1996), "On Strategies for Comparing Occupational Exposure Data to Limits," American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 57:6-15.

Tuggle, R. M. (1982), "Assessment of Occupational Exposure Using One-Sided Tolerance Limits," American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 43, 338-346.

Frome, E. L. and Wambach, P. F. (2005), "Statistical Methods and Software for the Analysis of Occupational Exposure Data with Non-Detectable Values," ORNL/TM-2005/52,Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37830. Available at:

Ignacio, J. S. and W. H. Bullock (2006), A Strategy for Assesing and Managing Occupational Exposures, Third Edition, AIHA Press, Fairfax, VA.

Mulhausen, J. R. and J. Damiano (1998), A Strategy for Assessing and Managing Occupational Exposures, Second Edition, AIHA Press, Fairfax, VA.

See Also

Help files for, efraction.exact, aihand


#                      EXAMPLE 1
# calculate 95th percentile and exact CLs for Example data
# Appendix  Mulhausen and Damiano (1998)
x <- aihand$x ;  det <- rep(1,length(x))
aiha <- data.frame(x,det) #  complete data
unlist(percentile.exact(x,gam=0.95,p=0.95) )[1:5]  #  exact CLs
unlist(,gam=0.95,p=0.95))   #  ML CLs
#                      EXAMPLE 2
#  Ignacio and Bullock (2006) Mulhausen and Damiano (1998)
#  Calculate TABLE VII.3 (page 272) Factor for One-Sided Tolerance
#  Limits for Normal Distribution (Abridged Version)
#  Same as Table III Burrows(1963) Panel 3 Page 138
nn <- c(seq(3,25),seq(30,50,5))
pv <-c(0.75,0.9,0.95,0.99,0.999)
tab <- matrix(0,length(nn),length(pv))
  for( k in (1:length(nn) ) ){
  xx <- seq(1,nn[k])
  for(j in (1:length(pv))) {
  tab[k,j ]<- percentile.exact(xx,pv[j],gam=0.95,FALSE)$Ku
dimnames(tab)<-(list(nn,pv)) ; rm(nn,pv,xx)
#                      EXAMPLE 3
#  Calculate TABLE I One Sided Tolerance Factor K'
#  Tuggle(1982) Page 339 (Abridged Version)
nn <- c(seq(3,20),50,50000000)
pv <-c(0.9,0.95,0.99)
tab <- matrix(0,length(nn),length(pv))
  for( k in (1:length(nn) ) ){
  xx <- seq(1,nn[k])
  for(j in (1:length(pv))) {
  tab[k,j ]<- percentile.exact(xx,pv[j],gam=0.95,FALSE)$Kl
dimnames(tab)<-(list(nn,pv)) ; rm(nn,pv,xx)

[Package STAND version 2.0 Index]