gplot.SSrat {SSrat}R Documentation

Plots the Sympathy, Antipathy, Preference or Impact table of a group


Shows the social status of each person and the persons who have contributed to that status


gplot.SSrat(calcedgroup, maintitle = c("Sympathy", "Antipathy", "Preference",
  "Impact"), SS.alpha = "SS.05", thresh = 0)



calcedgroup is the outcome of the function calcgroup. See calcgroup for more information. When calcgroup$dataframe is extended with the variable resplabel, this is used automatically as an extra indicator of each respondent.


The maintitle is either "Sympathy", "Antipathy"", "Preference"" or "Impact". This also determinates the selection of the correct table from calcedgroup.See calcgroup for more information. Default is "Sympathy".


This can be any of the alpha's used for the calculation of status in the calcedgroups. Reasonable values are "SS.01" , "SS.05" or 0.10. Default is "SS.05". As a rule of thumb, alpha should be chosen so that the group of Popular respondents is about 15 column from the dataframe to use, and should be equal to that column name.


Number indicating the threshold for tie values. Only ties of value > thresh are displayed. By default, thresh = 0. This allows for the reduction of arrows (edges), which may make the plot more readable.


Plots the Sociometric Status, as calculated by SSrat, of each individual in a group. In the case of positive or negative ratings (Sympathy or Antipathy), the arrows shows who has has provided these ratings. The left legend shows the social status, identified by color. The right legend shows the individuals, identified by number and optionally their names. See calcgroup for more information on the four SSrat data tables and alpha.


A two-column matrix containing the vertex positions as x,y coordinates. See also gplot sna.


Hans Landsheer


Wasserman, S. and Faust, K. (1994) Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Maassen, G. H. and Landsheer, J. A. (1998). SSRAT: The processing of rating scales for the determination of two-dimensional sociometric status. Behavior Research Methods Instruments & Computers, 30(4), 674-679.

See Also

calcgroup gplot


out =calcgroup (school=3, group=2, dataframe=klas2.rat, scalelength="3")

gplot.SSrat(calcedgroup=out, maintitle="Sympathy", SS.alpha="SS.10")
gplot.SSrat(out, "Antipathy", SS.alpha="SS.10")
gplot.SSrat(out, "Preference", SS.alpha="SS.10")
x=gplot.SSrat(out, "Impact", SS.alpha="SS.10")

[Package SSrat version 1.1 Index]