SSrat {SSrat}R Documentation

Ssrat, a Program for Two-dimensional Sociometric Status Determination with Rating Scales


SSrat is a collection of functions for two-dimensional sociometric status determination with rating scales. The theory underlying the program is described in Maassen, Akkermans and Van der Linden (1996). A discussion of the advantages of using ratings for sociometric status classification is given by Maassen, Van der Linden and Akkermans (1997). The basics of the algorithms are described in Maassen and Landsheer (1998). For each person assessed, SSRAT computes probability distributions of the total scores for ‘sympathy’ (S), ‘antipathy’ (A), ‘social preference’ (P) and ‘social impact’ (I), and applies criteria for sociometric status categorization as described in Maassen et al. (1996).


Package: SSrat
Type: Package
Version: 1.0
Date: 2014-09-09
License: GPL-2


Gerard Maassen and Hans Landsheer
Maintainer: Hans Landsheer


Maassen, G.H., Akkermans, W. and Van der Linden, J.L. (1996). Two-dimensional Sociometric Status Determination with Rating Scales; a Probability and a Standard Score Method. Small Group Research, 27, 56-78.
Maassen, G. H., Linden, J. L. V. D., & Akkermans, W. (1997). Nominations, Ratings, and the Dimensions of Sociometric Status. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 21(1), 179-200. doi:10.1080/016502597385045
Maassen, G. H., & Landsheer, J. A. (1998). SSRAT: The processing of rating scales for the determination of two-dimensional sociometric status. Behavior Research Methods Instruments & Computers, 30(4), 674-679.

See Also

For plotting see also package sna
Also readratdatafixed uses packages plyr

[Package SSrat version 1.1 Index]