TSSA {SSRA}R Documentation

Takeya Semantic Structure Analysis


This function conducts Takeya Semantic Structure Analysis (TSSA) for polytomous items based on Takeya 1991.


TSSA(dat, m, crit = 0.93, pairwise = TRUE, sig = FALSE, exact = TRUE, alpha = 0.05,
  p.adjust.method = c("holm", "hochberg", "hommel",
                      "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none"),
  digits = 3, vnames = TRUE, order = c("no", "decreasing", "increasing"),
  exclude = TRUE, output = TRUE)



requires a data frame with polytomous data, all items need to have the same numbers of response categories


requires the number of item response categories


criteria for ordering coefficient


pairwise deletion of missing data, if pairwise = FALSE listwise deletion if applied


if sig = TRUE, ordering will be assesed according to ordering coefficient and statistical significance


if exact = TRUE, exact binomial test will be applied otherwise single-sample proportion test will be applied


significance level


p-value correction method for multiple comparisons, see: ?p.adjust (default = holm)


integer indicating the number of decimal places to be used


use variable names for labeling?


sort by item mean of j and k?


exclude paths with no relationship?


print result table?


In Takeya Semantic Structure Analysis (TSSA), a pair of items (e.g., Item1 and Item2) is judged 'sequential', if exceptional answer patterns are less than a defined criterion. If we suppose Item1 to be the item with higher item mean than Item2 (i.e., 'Item1 -> Item2' in the treegram), 'exceptional answer patter' means that somone gets a lower score on Item1 and a higher score on Item2. If this kind of sequential relation is bi-directional (i.e., not only 'Item1 -> Item2' but also 'Item2 -> Item1'), the relation of the two items is judged 'equal'.


Returns an object of class tssa, to be used for the seqtable function. The object is a list with following entries: 'dat' (data frame), 'call" (function call), 'args' (specification of arguments), 'time' (time of analysis), 'R' (R version), 'package' (package version), and 'restab' (result table). The 'restab' entry has following entries:

j item j
k item k
n sample size
j.mean mean of item j
j.sd standard devication of item j
k.mean mean of item k
k.sd standard devication of item k
c.jk ordering coefficient j -> k
p.jk p-value j -> k (available if sig = TRUE)
sig.jk statistical significane p-value j -> k (0 = no / 1 = yes; available if sig = TRUE)
c.kj ordering coefficient k -> j
p.kj p-value k -> j (0 = no / 1 = yes; available if sig = TRUE)
sig.kj statistical significane p-value k -> j (available if sig = TRUE)
crt.jk ordering j -> k
crt.kj ordering k -> j
order order structure of item pairs ("=", "+","-")


Takuya Yanagida takuya.yanagida@univie.ac.at Keiko Sakai keiko.sakai@oit.ac.jp


Takeya, M. (1991). A new test theory: Structural analyses for educational information. Tokyo: Waseda University Press.

See Also

SSRA, seqtable, scatterplot


# Example data based on Takeya (1991)

# Takeya Semantic Structure Analysis
# ordering assesed according to the ordering coefficient
TSSA(exdat, m = 5)

# Takeya Semantic Structure Analysis including statistical testing
# ordering assesed according to the ordering coefficient and statistical significance
TSSA(exdat, m = 5, sig = TRUE)

[Package SSRA version 0.1-0 Index]