Extend0 {SSBtools}R Documentation

Add zero frequency rows


Microdata or tabular frequency data is extended to contain all combinations of unique rows of (hierarchical) groups of dimensional variables. Extra variables are extended by NA's or 0's.


  freqName = "freq",
  hierarchical = TRUE,
  varGroups = NULL,
  dimVar = NULL,
  extraVar = TRUE



data frame


Name of (existing) frequency variable


Hierarchical variables treated atomatically when TRUE


List of variable groups, possibly with data (see details and examples).


The dimensional variables


Extra variables as variable names, TRUE (all remaining) or FALSE (none).


With no frequency variable in input (microdata), the frequency variable in output consists of ones and zeros. By default, all variables, except the frequencies, are considered as dimensional variables. By default, the grouping of dimensional variables is based on hierarchical relationships (hierarchical = TRUE). With varGroups = NULL and hierarchical = FALSE, each dimensional variable forms a separate group (as as.list(dimVar)). Parameter extraVar can be specified as variable names. TRUE means all remaining variables and FALSE no variables.

When the contents of varGroups[[i]] is variable names, the data frame unique(data[varGroups[[i]]]) will be made as a building block within the function. A possibility is to supply such a data frame instead of variable names. Then, the building block will be unique(varGroups[[i]]). Names and data frames can be mixed.


Extended data frame

See Also

Advanced possibilities by varGroups-attribute. See Extend0rnd1.


z <- SSBtoolsData("sprt_emp_withEU")[c(1, 4:6, 8, 11:15), ]
z$age[z$age == "Y15-29"] <- "young"
z$age[z$age == "Y30-64"] <- "old"

Extend0(z[, -4])
Extend0(z, hierarchical = FALSE, dimVar = c("age", "geo", "eu"))
Extend0(z, hierarchical = FALSE, dimVar = c("age", "geo", "eu"), extraVar = "year")
Extend0(z, hierarchical = FALSE, dimVar = c("age", "geo", "eu"), extraVar = FALSE)
Extend0(z, varGroups = list(c("age", "geo", "year"), "eu"))
Extend0(MakeFreq(z[c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3:10), -4]))
Extend0(z, "ths_per")

# varGroups with data frames (same result as with names above)
Extend0(z, varGroups = list(z[c("age", "geo", "year")], z["eu"]))

# varGroups with both names and data frame
Extend0(z, varGroups = list(c("year", "geo", "eu"), data.frame(age = c("middle", "old"))))

[Package SSBtools version 1.5.2 Index]