fpiter {SQUAREM}R Documentation

Fixed-Point Iteration Scheme


A function to implement the fixed-point iteration algorithm. This includes monotone, contraction mappings including EM and MM algorithms


  fpiter(par, fixptfn, objfn=NULL, control=list( ), ...)



A vector of parameters denoting the initial guess for the fixed-point iteration.


A vector function, FF that denotes the fixed-point mapping. This function is the most essential input in the package. It should accept a parameter vector as input and should return a parameter vector of same length. This function defines the fixed-point iteration: xk+1=F(xk)x_{k+1} = F(x_k). In the case of EM algorithm, FF defines a single E and M step.


This is a scalar function, $L$, that denotes a ”merit” function which attains its local minimum at the fixed-point of $F$. This function should accept a parameter vector as input and should return a scalar value. In the EM algorithm, the merit function LL is the log-likelihood. In some problems, a natural merit function may not exist, in which case the algorithm works with only fixptfn. The merit function function objfn does not have to be specified, even when a natural merit function is available, especially when its computation is expensive.


A list of control parameters to pass on to the algorithm. Full names of control list elements must be specified, otherwise, user-specifications are ignored. See *Details* below.


Arguments passed to fixptfn and objfn.


control is list of control parameters for the algorithm.

control = list(tol = 1.e-07, maxiter = 1500, trace = FALSE, intermed=FALSE)

tol - a small, positive scalar that determines when iterations should be terminated. Iteration is terminated when xkF(xk)tol||x_k - F(x_k)|| \leq tol. Default is 1.e-07.

maxiter - an integer denoting the maximum limit on the number of evaluations of fixptfn, FF. Default is 1500.

trace - a logical variable denoting whether some of the intermediate results of iterations should be displayed to the user. Default is FALSE.

intermed - a logical variable denoting whether the intermediate results of iterations should be returned. If set to TRUE, the function will return a matrix where each row corresponds to parameters at each iteration, along with the corresponding fixed-point residual value. Default is FALSE.


A list with the following components:


Parameter,xx* that are the fixed-point of FF such that x=F(x)x* = F(x*), if convergence is successful.


The value of the objective function LL at termination.


Number of times the fixed-point function fixptfn was evaluated.


Number of times the objective function objfn was evaluated.


An integer code indicating type of convergence. 0 indicates successful convergence, whereas 1 denotes failure to converge.


R Varadhan and C Roland (2008), Simple and globally convergent numerical schemes for accelerating the convergence of any EM algorithm, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 35:335-353.

C Roland, R Varadhan, and CE Frangakis (2007), Squared polynomial extrapolation methods with cycling: an application to the positron emission tomography problem, Numerical Algorithms, 44:159-172.

See Also



# Example 1:  EM algorithm for Poisson mixture estimation 
poissmix.em <- function(p,y) {
# The fixed point mapping giving a single E and M step of the EM algorithm
pnew <- rep(NA,3)
i <- 0:(length(y)-1)
zi <- p[1]*exp(-p[2])*p[2]^i / (p[1]*exp(-p[2])*p[2]^i + (1 - p[1])*exp(-p[3])*p[3]^i)
pnew[1] <- sum(y*zi)/sum(y)
pnew[2] <- sum(y*i*zi)/sum(y*zi)
pnew[3] <- sum(y*i*(1-zi))/sum(y*(1-zi))
p <- pnew

poissmix.loglik <- function(p,y) {
# Objective function whose local minimum is a fixed point \
# negative log-likelihood of binary poisson mixture
i <- 0:(length(y)-1)
loglik <- y*log(p[1]*exp(-p[2])*p[2]^i/exp(lgamma(i+1)) + 
		(1 - p[1])*exp(-p[3])*p[3]^i/exp(lgamma(i+1)))
return ( -sum(loglik) )

# Real data from Hasselblad (JASA 1969)
poissmix.dat <- data.frame(death=0:9, freq=c(162,267,271,185,111,61,27,8,3,1))
y <- poissmix.dat$freq
tol <- 1.e-08

# Use a preset seed so the example is reproducible. 
old.seed <- setRNG(list(kind="Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind="Inversion",

p0 <- c(runif(1),runif(2,0,4))  # random starting value

# Basic EM algorithm
pf1 <- fpiter(p=p0, y=y, fixptfn=poissmix.em, objfn=poissmix.loglik, control=list(tol=tol))

# Example 2:  Accelerating the convergence of power method iteration for 
# finding the dominant eigenvector of a matrix 

power.method <- function(x, A) {

# Defines one iteration of the power method
# x = starting guess for dominant eigenvector
# A = a square matrix

ax <- as.numeric(A %*% x)
f <- ax / sqrt(as.numeric(crossprod(ax)))

# Finding the dominant eigenvector of the Bodewig matrix
# This is a famous matrix for which power method has trouble converging
# See, for example, Sidi, Ford, and Smith (SIAM Review, 1988) 
# Note: there are two eigenvalues that are equally dominant, 
#  but have opposite signs.
# Sometimes the power method finds the eigenvector corresponding to the 
# large positive eigenvalue, but other times it finds the eigenvector
# corresponding to the large negative eigenvalue
b <- c(2, 1, 3, 4, 1,  -3,   1,   5,  3,   1,   6,  -2,  4,   5,  -2,  -1)
bodewig.mat <- matrix(b,4,4)

p0 <- rnorm(4)

# Standard power method iteration
ans1 <- fpiter(p0, fixptfn=power.method, A=bodewig.mat)
# re-scaling the eigenvector so that it has unit length
ans1$par <- ans1$par / sqrt(sum(ans1$par^2))  

[Package SQUAREM version 2021.1 Index]