SPmlficmcm-package {SPmlficmcm} | R Documentation |
SemiParametric Maximum Likelihood for interaction in case-mother control-mother designs
Implementation of a method of general semiparametric maximum likelihood estimation for logistic models in case-mother control-mother designs. The method was proposed by Chen et al., (2012) for the complete data and Nguile-Makao et al., (2015) proposed an extension of the method allowing missing offspring genotype.
The package SPmlficmcm implements the semiparametric maximum likelihood estimation method published by Chen et al., (2012). This method permits to analyze the interaction effects involving genetic variants and environmental exposures on the risk of adverse obstetric and early-life outcomes. Nguile-Makao et al., (2015) proposed an extension of this method allowing missing offspring genotype. The package performs the analysis the following way: it builds the nonlinear system from the database, resolves the nonlinear system using the nleqslv
function of package nleqslv. It estimates the model parameters and the standard errors using the log profile likelihood function and the one-step method estimation. All this procedure may be done for complete data and also for missing offspring genotype. For more details see Chen et al., (2012), and Nguile-Makao et al., (2015) .
The modeling supposes that the distribution of maternal genotype and offspring genotype satisfy the following assumptions: random mating, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and Mendelian inheritance. The package also permits to treat the missing offspring genotype data.
Index of help topics:
Est.Inpar Computes the initial values FtSmlrmCMCM Generates the logistic model data SPmlficmcm-package SemiParametric Maximum Likelihood for interaction in case-mother control-mother designs SeltcEch Resampling Spmlficmcm Semiparametric maximum likelihood for interaction in case-mother control-mother
Moliere Nguile-Makao and Alexandre Bureau
Maintainer: Moliere Nguile-Makao <moliere.nguile@gmail.com>
Jinbo Chen, Dongyu Lin and Hagit Hochner (2012) Semiparametric Maximum Likelihood Methods for Analyzing Genetic and Environmental Effects with Case-Control Mother-Child Pair Data. Biometrics DOI: 10.1111/j.1541-0420.2011.01728.
Moliere Nguile-Makao, Alexandre Bureau (2015), Semi-Parametric Maximum likelihood Method for interaction in Case-Mother Control-Mother designs: Package SPmlficmcm. Journal of Statistical Software DOI: 10.18637/jss.v068.i10.
See Also
, FtSmlrmCMCM
, SeltcEch
, Spmlficmcm