refImageContinuous {SPUTNIK}R Documentation

refImageContinuous returns the reference image, calculated using the method. This image represents the basic measure for the filters in SPUTNIK.


refImageContinuous returns the reference image, calculated using the method. This image represents the basic measure for the filters in SPUTNIK.


  method = "sum",
  mzQueryRef = numeric(),
  mzTolerance = Inf,
  useFullMZRef = TRUE,
  doSmooth = FALSE,
  smoothSigma = 2,
  alignTo = "detected",
  invertAligned = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE



msiDataset object..


string (default = "sum"). Method used to calculate the reference image. Valid values are:

  • "sum": peak intensities sum

  • "mean": average peak intensities (without zeros)

  • "median": median peak intensities (without zeros)

  • "pca": first principal component scores.


numeric. Mass-to-charge ratios used to calculate the reference image. Two values are interpreted as interval, multiple or single values are searched in the m/z vector. It overrides the useFullMZRef argument.


numeric (default = Inf). Search window in parts-per-million units for the mzQueryRef.


logical (default = TRUE). Whether all peaks should be used to calculate the reference image. Ignored if mzQueryRef is provided.


logical (default = FALSE). If TRUE, the reference image is smoothed using a Gaussian kernel.


numeric (default = 2). Standard deviation of the smoothing Gaussian kernel.


string (default = "detected"). The reference image is aligned to the image representing:

  • "detected": number of detected peaks

  • "tic": total-ion-count image

The reference image will have a positive Pearson's correlation with the selected image.


logical (default = FALSE). If TRUE, the reference image has negative correlation with the selected image in alignTo.


logical (default = TRUE). Additional output text.


Function to extract the continuous reference image from a msi.dataset-class object. The continuous reference image represents the spatial location of the sample. By default, it is aligned with either the image representing the number of detected peaks, or the total-ion-count in all pixels. It is expected to be higher in the region occupied by the sample (positive correlation with the mask representing the real sample pixels). In some cases, the alignment images can have higher values in the pixels outside of the sample. In these circumstances, the argument invertAligned should be set to TRUE.


A continuous valued reference image (see msImage).

See Also

msiDataset, msImage


## Load package

## Mass spectrometry intensity matrix
X <- matrix(rnorm(200), 20, 40)
X[X < 0] <- 0

## Print original dimensions

## m/z vector
mzVector <- seq(600, 900, by = (900 - 600) / 39)

## Read the image size
imSize <- c(5, 4)

## Construct the ms.dataset object
msiX <- msiDataset(X, mzVector, imSize[1], imSize[2])

## Calculate the reference and ROI images from the ms.dataset-class object msiX.
## The reference is calculated as the first principal component scores scaled
## in [0, 1]; the binary ROI is calculated applying k-means on the entire dataset.
## Use only m/z values in the range of [700, 900]. The interval extremal values
## are matched within a tolerance of 50 ppm.

refImg <- refImageContinuous(msiX, method = "sum")
roiImg <- refImageBinaryOtsu(refImg)

## Plot the reference and region of interest ROI
## plot(ref.roi$Reference)
## plot(ref.roi$ROI)

[Package SPUTNIK version 1.4.2 Index]