SPSL-package {SPSL}R Documentation

Site Percolation on Square Lattices (SPSL)


Provides basic functionality for labeling iso- & anisotropic percolation clusters on 2D & 3D square lattices with various lattice sizes, occupation probabilities, von Neumann & Moore (1,d)-neighborhoods, and random variables weighting the percolation lattice sites.


Package: SPSL
Type: Package
Version: 0.1-9
Date: 2019-03-17
License: GPL-3
LazyLoad: yes

ssi20() and ssi30() functions provide sites labeling of the isotropic cluster on 2D & 3D square lattice with von Neumann (1,0)-neighborhood.
ssa20() and ssa30() functions provide sites labeling of the anisotropic cluster on 2D & 3D square lattice with von Neumann (1,0)-neighborhood.
ssi2d() and ssi3d() functions provide sites labeling of the isotropic cluster on 2D & 3D square lattice with Moore (1,d)-neighborhood.
ssa2d() and ssa3d() functions provide sites labeling of the anisotropic cluster on 2D & 3D square lattice with Moore (1,d)-neighborhood.
fssi20() and fssi30() functions calculates the relative frequency distribution of isotropic clusters on 2D & 3D square lattice with von Neumann (1,0)-neighborhood.
fssa20() and fssa30() functions calculates the relative frequency distribution of anisotropic clusters on 2D & 3D square lattice with von Neumann (1,0)-neighborhood.
fssi2d() and fssi3d() functions calculates the relative frequency distribution of isotropic clusters on 2D & 3D square lattice with Moore (1,d)-neighborhood.
fssa2d() and fssa3d() functions calculates the relative frequency distribution of anisotropic clusters on 2D & 3D square lattice with Moore (1,d)-neighborhood.


Pavel V. Moskalev <moskalefff@gmail.com>


[1] Moskalev, P.V. Percolation modeling of porous structures. Moscow: URSS, 2018. 240 pp; in Russian.
[2] Moskalev, P.V. (2014) Estimates of threshold and strength of percolation clusters on square lattices with (1,d)-neighborhood. Computer Research and Modeling, Vol.6, No.3, pp.405–414; in Russian.
[3] Moskalev, P.V. (2013) The structure of site percolation models on three-dimensional square lattices. Computer Research and Modeling, Vol.5, No.4, pp.607–622; in Russian.

[Package SPSL version 0.1-9 Index]