adjacency | Dissimilarity matrix based on connectivity information. |
arrondi | Returns the rounded value. |
CAdist | Distance matrix based on correspondence analysis results |
cerardat | cerardat |
cerardat_app | Launch the shiny application. |
cerardat_estim_nf | Number of axes to keep |
datacancer | Data set of cancerology. |
dataceram | Data set of archeology |
datacerardat | Data set of archaeology. |
datangkor | Data set of archeology |
datarcheo | Data set of archeology |
extract_results | Generates all plots (in jpeg format) in a subfolder |
hclust | Hierarchical clustering of up to two datasets (Compromised clustering). |
hclustcompro | hclustcompro |
hclustcompro_app | Launch the shiny application. |
hclustcompro_select_alpha | Estimate the optimal value(s) of the alpha parameter. |
hclustcompro_subdivide | Subdivide a cluster after running hclustcompro. |
mapclust | Divise hierarchical Clustering using Spatialpatches algorithm. |
mapclust_app | Shiny application for Mapclust method |
mapclust_cut_tree | Function to cut the dendrogram for a new height (distance limit) or a new number of clusters and map the new partition |
overlap | Temporal overlap index |
perioclust | hclustcompro |
plot.cerardat_obj | plot cerardat model |
seriograph | Plot seriograph (B. DESACHY). |
serio_app | Launch the shiny application. |
timerange | Plot the time range of observations sorted by cluster. |