Analysis of Differential Behaviour of SPARRA Score Across Demographic Groups

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Documentation for package ‘SPARRAfairness’ version

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ab ab() Shorthand to draw a red x-y line
adjusted_fdr adjusted_fdr
adjusted_for adjusted_for
all_data All data for fairness measures
cal_2panel cal_2panel Draws calibration curves (with legend) with a second panel underneath showing predicted differences.
counterfactual_yhat counterfactual_yhat
dat2mat dat2mat
decomposition_matrix Decomposition matrix
demographic_parity demographic_parity
drawperson drawperson
drawprop drawprop
getcal getcal()
getprc getprc()
getroc getroc() Comprehensive plotting function for receiver-operator characteristic curve. Also calculates AUROC and standard error.
groupmetric_2panel groupmetric_2panel Draws plots of a group fairness metric with a second panel underneath
group_fairness group_fairness
integral integral() Quick form for trapezoidal integration over range of x
logistic Logistic
logit Logit
phs_colours phs_colours
plot.sparraCAL Plot function for class sparraCAL
plot.sparraPRC Plot function for class above
plot.sparraROC Plot function for class sparraROC
plot_decomp plot_decomp
prc_2panel prc_2panel Draws a PRC curve (with legend) with a second panel underneath showing precision difference.
roc_2panel roc_2panel Draws a ROC curve (with legend) with a second panel underneath showing sensitivity difference.
sim_pop_data sim_pop_data