BmusCentr |
BMUs of the cluster centroids |
BmusClus |
Cluster assignment for the experimental data |
BoxClus |
Boxplot of prototype variables split by cluster and variable |
BoxUnits |
Boxplot of prototype variables split by cluster |
ClusCol |
Custom color sequence for clusters |
CodeCoord |
Prototype coordinates for graph |
DailyBar |
Plot of daily percentages for each cluster |
db_indexR |
Evaluate Davis-Bouldin index for the cluster split of data input |
Freq |
Percentage frequency for each cluster |
FreqD |
Daily percentage frequency for each cluster |
FreqM |
Monthly percentage frequency for each cluster |
Hexa |
Function to draw an hexagon around a point |
Hexagons |
Function to draw an hexagonal SOM map |
HexagonsClus |
SOM map with clusters |
HexagonsVar |
Heatmaps |
HexaHits |
Hits distribution on the SOM map |
HexaHitsQuant |
Hits distribution on the SOM map |
HexaQerrs |
Relative quantization error distribution on the SOM map |
HexaQerrsQuant |
Realtive quantization error distribution on the SOM map |
kmeans_clustersRProg |
K-means algorithm applied for different values of clusters |
NClusChange |
Custom number sequence for clusters |
paramQuant |
Basic statistics of values present in the input vector |
SomEnvGUI |
The function starts the SOMEnv GUI |
SOMtopol |
Topographical error for the SOM map |
som_dimR |
Calculate map dimensions |
som_initR |
Calculate initialization matrix for SOM training |
som_kmeansRProg |
K-means algorithm applied for a specific number of clusters |
som_mdistR |
Evaluate pairwise distance matrix for the given codebook |
som_umatR |
Unified distance matrix for the SOM map |
UmatGraph |
U-matrix plot |