pseudoreg {SOHPIE}R Documentation



A function to regress pseudo-values across set of covariates.


pseudoreg(pseudoval, clindat, c)



Jackknife pseudo-values calculated.


A metadata/phenotypic data consisting of the clinical and demographic variables that the user wants to include in the regression. (e.g., binary group indicator for intervention vs. control, continuous age, ...)


The choice of trimming proportion for the least trimmed estimator of robust regression. A value has to be between 0.5 and 1 as specified in ltsReg() function in robustbase package.


A pseudo-value regression is fitted. Please use pseudoreg.summary() to output p-values, q-values, and coefficient estimates.


# In this example, the subset of the American Gut Project data will be used.
data(combinedamgut) # A complete data containing columns with taxa and clinical covariates.

# Note: The line below will use a toy example with the first 30 out of 138 taxa.
OTUtab = combinedamgut[ , 8:37]

#Clinical/demographic covariates (phenotypic data):
# Note: All of these covariates will be included in the regression, so
# please make sure that phenodat includes the variables that will be analyzed only.
phenodat = combinedamgut[, 1:7] # first column is ID, so not using it.

# Obtain indices of each grouping factor
# In this example, a variable indicating the status of living
# with a dog was chosen (i.e. bin_dog).
# Accordingly, Groups A and B imply living without and with a dog, respectively.
newindex_grpA = which(combinedamgut$bin_dog == 0)
newindex_grpB = which(combinedamgut$bin_dog == 1)

# Now, we estimate (and re-estimate) association matrices
# for each group separately.
asso_matA = asso_mat(OTUdat=OTUtab, group=newindex_grpA)
asso_matB = asso_mat(OTUdat=OTUtab, group=newindex_grpB)

# Calculate the network centrality.
thetahat_grpA = thetahats(asso_matA$assomat)
thetahat_grpB = thetahats(asso_matB$assomat)

# Obtain network centrality for the re-estimated association matrices.
thetahat_drop_grpA = sapply(asso_matA$reest.assomat, thetahats)
thetahat_drop_grpB = sapply(asso_matB$reest.assomat, thetahats)

# Sample sizes for each group.
n_A <- length(newindex_grpA)
n_B <- length(newindex_grpB)

# Now calculate jackknife pseudo-values for each group.
thetatilde_grpA = thetatildefun(thetahat_grpA, thetahat_drop_grpA, n_A)
thetatilde_grpB = thetatildefun(thetahat_grpB, thetahat_drop_grpB, n_B)

thetatilde = rbind(thetatilde_grpA, thetatilde_grpB)

# Map the column names (taxa names)
colnames(thetatilde) = colnames(OTUtab)

# Fit a pseudo-value regression using jackknife pseudovalues
# and phenotypic data. A reminder that the phenotypic data should
# contain a set of predictor variables to be fitted.
fitmod = pseudoreg(pseudoval=thetatilde, clindat=phenodat, c=0.5)

[Package SOHPIE version 1.0.6 Index]