Attach {SOAR}R Documentation

Attach object cache


Place a stored object cache one the search path, or change the position of such a cache already on the search path.


Attach(lib = Sys.getenv("R_LOCAL_CACHE", unset = ".R_Cache"),
       lib.loc = Sys.getenv("R_LOCAL_LIB_LOC", unset = "."),
       pos = 2, uniquely = TRUE, readonly = FALSE, ...)



The name of the cache directory from which items are to be removed. May be given as a character string, or as a name, (i.e. without quotes) for convenience. The default is as follows:

  • For Attach, the value of the R environment variable R_LOCAL_CACHE, or .R_Cache if unset,

  • For AttachData, the value of the R environment variable R_CENTRAL_DATA, or .R_Data if unset,

  • For AttachUtils, the value of the R environment variable R_CENTRAL_UTILS, or .R_Utils if unset.


The enclosing directory where the cache directory is to be found. The default is as follows:

  • For Attach, the value of the R environment variable R_LOCAL_LIB_LOC, or the current working directory if unset,

  • For AttachDate and AttachUtils the value of the R environment variable R_CENTRAL_LIB_LOC, or he user's HOME directory if unset.


The position on the search path where the object cache is to be placed, or the new position if the cache is already on the search path.


Logical. Are multiple copies of the same cache on the search path to be disallowed? If TRUE, a single copy only is left on the search path.


Logical. If TRUE modifications to the objects in the cache are prevented.


Extra arguments to be passed on to internal SOAR functions. Presently unused.


An existing object cache is attached to the search path. If the object cache directory, file.path(lib.loc, lib), currently does not exist a warning is issued to that effect, but also advising that the directory will be created when an object is to be Stored there.


Nothing of interest. The function is used solely for its side-effect on the search path


If the cache is not presently attached to the search path, it is sliently attached at postion 2 before objects are removed from it.

Old caches made in pre-release versions of SOAR (known as ASOR) will be converted to the present format with a warning that this is happening. After this conversion only the current version of the package may be used to access the cached objects.


This function is not often needed, as any of the other main functions, (Store, Objects, Remove and their variants), will automatically attach the object cache if required to do so. A common use is to change the position of a currently attached object cache on the search path.

To release an object cache from the search path, use the standard function detach.


Bill Venables



See Also

attach, detach.


## change default cache, keeping any previous setting
oldLC <- Sys.getenv("R_LOCAL_CACHE", unset = ".R_Cache")

## generate some dummy data
dummy <- rnorm(100)
mn <- mean(dummy)
va <- var(dummy)

Attach()                            # may give warning

## store it in the stored object cache
Store(dummy, mn, va)

Attach(pos=3)                       # change to pos=3

Remove(mn, va)
Remove(Objects())                   # empty the cache

detach(".R_Test")                   # remove from search path
Sys.setenv(R_LOCAL_CACHE=oldLC)     # restore normal default

[Package SOAR version 0.99-11 Index]