Similarity Network Fusion

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Documentation for package ‘SNFtool’ version 2.3.1

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affinityMatrix Affinity matrix calculation
calNMI Mutual Information calculation
chiDist2 Pairwise Chi-squared distances
concordanceNetworkNMI Concordance Network NMI calculation
Data1 Data1
Data2 Data2
dataL dataL
displayClusters Plot given similarity matrix by clusters
displayClustersWithHeatmap Display the similarity matrix by clusters with some sample information
dist2 Pairwise squared Euclidean distances
estimateNumberOfClustersGivenGraph Estimate Number Of Clusters Given Graph
getColorsForGroups Obtaining a vector of colors from a numeric vector of group
groupPredict Group Predict
heatmapPlus Display heatmap for clusters
label Labels for dataL dataset
plotAlluvial Plot Alluvial
rankFeaturesByNMI Rank Features by NMI
SNF Similarity Network Fusion
spectralClustering Spectral Clustering
standardNormalization Standard Normalization