SMITIDvisu-package | Visualize Data for Host and Viral Population from SMITIDstruct using HTMLwidgets |
createRainbowColors | createRainbowColors Create a list of colors for each value v | | |
df2geojson | df2geojson |
hostline | A host infomation over time |
maptt | maptt |
mapttOutput | Shiny bindings for visualisation widgets |
mapttProxy | mapttProxy |
mapttSelectHost | mapttSelectHost |
mstCompute | compute the minimum spanning tree |
mstVariant | mstVariant |
mstVariantOutput | Shiny bindings for visualisation widgets |
mstVariantProxy | mstVariantProxy |
renderMaptt | Shiny bindings for visualisation widgets |
rendermstVariant | Shiny bindings for visualisation widgets |
renderTimeLine | Shiny bindings for visualisation widgets |
renderTransmissionTree | Shiny bindings for visualisation widgets |
SMITIDvisu | Visualize Data for Host and Viral Population from SMITIDstruct using HTMLwidgets |
SMITIDvisu-shiny | Shiny bindings for visualisation widgets |
st | A SMITIDstruct package variable. |
st.dist113_2 | Distance matrix of observed variants sequences of a host 113 at time 2 from simulation. |
st.dist113_all | Distance matrix of observed variants sequences of a host 113 at time 2, 3 and 4 from simulation. |
st.listTimeProp113 | List of variants ID with subvector for time and value. |
st.prop113_2 | Variants proportions and count for host 113 at time 2 from simulation. |
st.prop113_all | Variants proportions and count for an host 113 at time 2, 3 and 4 from simulation. |
timeLine | timeLine |
timeLineOutput | Shiny bindings for visualisation widgets |
timeLineProxy | timeLineProxy get an instance of a timeline |
transmissionTree | transmissionTree |
transmissionTreeOutput | Shiny bindings for visualisation widgets |
transmissionTreeProxy | transmissionTreeProxy |
tt.edges | Pathogen link over the time | | Data.frame of hosts events information by time. Fake data. |
tt.nodes | Host list with there status over the time. |
updatemstVariant | updatemstVariant |
updateTimeLine | updateTimeLine |
updateTransmissionTree | updateTransmissionTree |