Visualize Data for Host and Viral Population from 'SMITIDstruct' using 'HTMLwidgets'

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Documentation for package ‘SMITIDvisu’ version 0.0.9

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SMITIDvisu-package Visualize Data for Host and Viral Population from SMITIDstruct using HTMLwidgets
createRainbowColors createRainbowColors Create a list of colors for each value v
df2geojson df2geojson
hostline A host infomation over time
maptt maptt
mapttOutput Shiny bindings for visualisation widgets
mapttProxy mapttProxy
mapttSelectHost mapttSelectHost
mstCompute compute the minimum spanning tree
mstVariant mstVariant
mstVariantOutput Shiny bindings for visualisation widgets
mstVariantProxy mstVariantProxy
renderMaptt Shiny bindings for visualisation widgets
rendermstVariant Shiny bindings for visualisation widgets
renderTimeLine Shiny bindings for visualisation widgets
renderTransmissionTree Shiny bindings for visualisation widgets
SMITIDvisu Visualize Data for Host and Viral Population from SMITIDstruct using HTMLwidgets
SMITIDvisu-shiny Shiny bindings for visualisation widgets
st A SMITIDstruct package variable.
st.dist113_2 Distance matrix of observed variants sequences of a host 113 at time 2 from simulation.
st.dist113_all Distance matrix of observed variants sequences of a host 113 at time 2, 3 and 4 from simulation.
st.listTimeProp113 List of variants ID with subvector for time and value.
st.prop113_2 Variants proportions and count for host 113 at time 2 from simulation.
st.prop113_all Variants proportions and count for an host 113 at time 2, 3 and 4 from simulation.
timeLine timeLine
timeLineOutput Shiny bindings for visualisation widgets
timeLineProxy timeLineProxy get an instance of a timeline
transmissionTree transmissionTree
transmissionTreeOutput Shiny bindings for visualisation widgets
transmissionTreeProxy transmissionTreeProxy
tt.edges Pathogen link over the time Data.frame of hosts events information by time. Fake data.
tt.nodes Host list with there status over the time.
updatemstVariant updatemstVariant
updateTimeLine updateTimeLine
updateTransmissionTree updateTransmissionTree